Zoning Laws /tags/zoning-laws Zoning Laws en-US WLRN Wed, 12 Apr 2023 17:00:00 GMT Florida passed historic pro-housing legislation. Here's what you need to know /government-politics/2023-04-12/florida-passed-historic-pro-housing-legislation-heres-what-you-need-to-know The new law, dubbed the Live Local Act, marks a historic investment in affordable housing through a series of tax breaks, incentives for development and a record $811 million in funding. Wed, 12 Apr 2023 17:00:00 GMT /government-politics/2023-04-12/florida-passed-historic-pro-housing-legislation-heres-what-you-need-to-know Gabriella Paul Owners of tiny homes across Florida are seeking peace with local governments /news/2022-05-02/owners-of-tiny-homes-across-florida-are-seeking-peace-with-local-governments It’s hard to know how many people live in tiny homes, as some choose to live under the radar to escape governmental and legal hurdles. Mon, 02 May 2022 12:25:03 GMT /news/2022-05-02/owners-of-tiny-homes-across-florida-are-seeking-peace-with-local-governments There's never been such a severe shortage of homes in the U.S. Here's why /2022-03-29/theres-never-been-such-a-severe-shortage-of-homes-in-the-u-s-heres-why Home prices rose nearly 20% last year, in large part because the U.S. is several million homes short of demand. Builders say the pandemic is partly to blame, but the problem goes deeper than that. Tue, 29 Mar 2022 13:37:05 GMT /2022-03-29/theres-never-been-such-a-severe-shortage-of-homes-in-the-u-s-heres-why Chris Arnold A taller West Palm? City clears way for developers to exceed height restrictions /news/2022-01-26/a-taller-west-palm-city-clears-way-for-developers-to-exceed-height-restrictions West Palm Beach's City Commission unanimously approved a series of zoning and land development requests Monday night that will allow developers to exceed height restrictions in projects that would add to the city's building boom. Wed, 26 Jan 2022 17:00:00 GMT /news/2022-01-26/a-taller-west-palm-city-clears-way-for-developers-to-exceed-height-restrictions Wayne Washington Miami-Dade Has Hundreds Of Illegal Airbnbs. Now County Wants To Water Down Rules. /news/2019-11-13/miami-dade-has-hundreds-of-illegal-airbnbs-now-county-wants-to-water-down-rules Miami-Dade County is considering loosening restrictions on short-term rental companies even as hundreds of home hotels operate within its limits… Wed, 13 Nov 2019 11:19:32 GMT /news/2019-11-13/miami-dade-has-hundreds-of-illegal-airbnbs-now-county-wants-to-water-down-rules TAYLOR DOLVEN Lake Worth Shuts Down Attempt to Let Homeowners Build “Granny Flats” in their Backyards /news/2019-07-17/lake-worth-shuts-down-attempt-to-let-homeowners-build-granny-flats-in-their-backyards Secondary houses called accessory dwelling units, or ADUs, will remain unlawful in Lake Worth City's single-family neighborhoods. The Lake Worth city… Wed, 17 Jul 2019 17:35:32 GMT /news/2019-07-17/lake-worth-shuts-down-attempt-to-let-homeowners-build-granny-flats-in-their-backyards 'Don't Throw The Baby Out With The Bathwater': Miami City Commissioner On Affordable Housing Bill /show/sundial/2019-05-02/dont-throw-the-baby-out-with-the-bathwater-miami-city-commissioner-on-affordable-housing-bill Miami residents face the highest housing cost burden of any large metro area in the country. Last year the city of Miami passed an inclusionary zoning… Thu, 02 May 2019 23:10:06 GMT /show/sundial/2019-05-02/dont-throw-the-baby-out-with-the-bathwater-miami-city-commissioner-on-affordable-housing-bill Chris Remington How Coral Gables Has Been Doing Since It Lifted The Pickup Truck Ban /politics/2013-07-19/how-coral-gables-has-been-doing-since-it-lifted-the-pickup-truck-ban For residents of the city of Coral Gables, there are all kinds of strict rules and regulations, like the ones that we explored yesterday.Not too long ago,… Fri, 19 Jul 2013 11:36:26 GMT /politics/2013-07-19/how-coral-gables-has-been-doing-since-it-lifted-the-pickup-truck-ban Karelia Arauz You Can't Own An Elephant In Coral Gables (And Other Weird Laws) /politics/2013-07-18/you-cant-own-an-elephant-in-coral-gables-and-other-weird-laws Coral Gables has a reputation for its very strict—and frequently unusual—city codes.As recently as 2007, the entire zoning code was revamped, but to this… Thu, 18 Jul 2013 11:45:48 GMT /politics/2013-07-18/you-cant-own-an-elephant-in-coral-gables-and-other-weird-laws Karelia Arauz