worker productivity /tags/worker-productivity worker productivity en-US WLRN Wed, 06 Jul 2022 09:13:00 GMT More companies are trying out the 4-day workweek. But it might not be for everyone /news/npr-breaking-news/2022-07-06/more-companies-are-trying-out-the-4-day-workweek-but-it-might-not-be-for-everyone For some workers, the four-day workweek has been a dream and helped restore their work/life balance. Others say it doesn't create as much flexibility as it might seem. Wed, 06 Jul 2022 09:13:00 GMT /news/npr-breaking-news/2022-07-06/more-companies-are-trying-out-the-4-day-workweek-but-it-might-not-be-for-everyone Jeevika Verma A big 32-hour workweek test is underway. Supporters think it could help productivity /news/2022-06-07/a-big-32-hour-workweek-test-is-underway-supporters-think-it-could-help-productivity A pilot of more than 3,300 workers in the U.K. is testing a theory about work. Can people in various industries remain as productive if they just work 32 hours a week with the same pay as 40 hours? Wed, 08 Jun 2022 10:09:52 GMT /news/2022-06-07/a-big-32-hour-workweek-test-is-underway-supporters-think-it-could-help-productivity Wynne Davis 'Where is my office anyway?' As COVID recedes, remote workers prepare to head back /2022-02-17/where-is-my-office-anyway-as-covid-recedes-remote-workers-prepare-to-head-back A quarter of full-time employees were still working exclusively from home in December 2021. Now companies are starting to call them back — but the office experience may look very different from before. Thu, 17 Feb 2022 15:06:05 GMT /2022-02-17/where-is-my-office-anyway-as-covid-recedes-remote-workers-prepare-to-head-back Andrea Hsu What Don't You Like About Yourself? /show/the-sunshine-economy/2014-01-12/what-dont-you-like-about-yourself Between our finances, fitness, beauty, working -- even our souls. We can spend thousands of dollars on making ourselves better. The self-help business is… Sun, 12 Jan 2014 23:33:13 GMT /show/the-sunshine-economy/2014-01-12/what-dont-you-like-about-yourself Tom Hudson Humidity Will Worsen With Climate Change And With It, Worker Productivity /science/2013-03-01/humidity-will-worsen-with-climate-change-and-with-it-worker-productivity Anyone who has tried to tend a garden or walk the dog in the height of a South Florida summer understands the energy-zapping qualities of a heat and… Fri, 01 Mar 2013 12:31:27 GMT /science/2013-03-01/humidity-will-worsen-with-climate-change-and-with-it-worker-productivity