water /tags/water water en-US WLRN Wed, 05 Jun 2024 16:00:00 GMT State blames EPA for high lead pipe estimates after watchdog says 'unverified data' was used /2024-06-05/state-blames-epa-for-high-lead-pipe-estimates-after-watchdog-says-unverified-data-was-used “DEP maintains that once Florida’s drinking water surveys are completed, we expect that the actual extent of facilities with lead service lines documented in Florida will be significantly less than what was estimated by EPA,” said Brian Miller with Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection. Wed, 05 Jun 2024 16:00:00 GMT /2024-06-05/state-blames-epa-for-high-lead-pipe-estimates-after-watchdog-says-unverified-data-was-used Jessica Meszaros Right to Clean Water backers restart effort to get it on the 2026 ballot /environment/2024-04-30/right-to-clean-water-2026-election Supporters of an amendment that would enshrine a right to clean water in the state constitution are once again ramping up their efforts to get it on the ballot. This time, they're eyeing the 2026 election. Tue, 30 Apr 2024 13:14:42 GMT /environment/2024-04-30/right-to-clean-water-2026-election Steve Newborn Mexico City's long-running water problems are getting even worse /npr-breaking-news/2024-03-08/mexico-citys-long-running-water-problems-are-getting-even-worse Reservoirs that furnish a large part of the Mexican capital have fallen to historic lows, as low rainfall, climate change and mismanagement exacerbate the problem. Fri, 08 Mar 2024 10:00:44 GMT /npr-breaking-news/2024-03-08/mexico-citys-long-running-water-problems-are-getting-even-worse Emily Green Lawmakers debate water rate proposal that would charge more for those outside the city /environment/2024-01-10/hb-777-2024-florida-legislative-session-water-rates-florida Supporters of making changes argue that utility customers who live outside municipal boundaries can face higher costs — without being able to vote for city leaders who set rates and make other utility decisions. Wed, 10 Jan 2024 22:00:00 GMT /environment/2024-01-10/hb-777-2024-florida-legislative-session-water-rates-florida Jim Saunders A quest to get an amendment guaranteeing a right to clean water pushed back /environment/2023-12-27/florida-amendment-clean-water The Florida Rights of Nature Network has gotten only a fraction of the roughly 900,000 signatures needed to get an constitutional amendment on the 2024 ballot. So it is regrouping and moving its goal to 2026. Wed, 27 Dec 2023 16:00:00 GMT /environment/2023-12-27/florida-amendment-clean-water Steve Newborn Tampa is bringing a new water filtration system to the U.S. that will help remove forever chemicals /environment/2023-12-13/tampa-water-filtration-system-forever-chemicals-pfas The Suspended Ion Exchange plant in Tampa is expected to be the first in the U.S. and largest in the world. The new technology is designed to removes organic matter from drinking water, and make it easier to filter out forever chemicals, known as PFAS. Wed, 13 Dec 2023 20:29:21 GMT /environment/2023-12-13/tampa-water-filtration-system-forever-chemicals-pfas Jessica Meszaros Waiting for water: It's everywhere in this Colombian city — except in the pipes /americas/2023-12-03/waiting-for-water-its-everywhere-in-this-colombian-city-except-in-the-pipes The country is rich in water resources. Yet many people in the city of Santa Marta struggle to get enough to meet daily needs. They improvise, strategize — and rely on a tangle of 1-inch pipes. Sun, 03 Dec 2023 12:32:50 GMT /americas/2023-12-03/waiting-for-water-its-everywhere-in-this-colombian-city-except-in-the-pipes Ben de la Cruz Swimming pools and lavish gardens of the rich are driving water shortages, study says /environment/npr-breaking-news/2023-04-12/swimming-pools-and-lavish-gardens-of-the-rich-are-driving-water-shortages-study-says Socioeconomic disparity is just as influential as climate change and population growth when it comes to explaining why so many cities are struggling with their water supply, researchers say. Wed, 12 Apr 2023 22:00:30 GMT /environment/npr-breaking-news/2023-04-12/swimming-pools-and-lavish-gardens-of-the-rich-are-driving-water-shortages-study-says Emily Olson A deep freeze is breaking pipes and creating a water crisis across the South /news/2022-12-28/a-deep-freeze-is-breaking-pipes-and-creating-a-water-crisis-across-the-south The problems stemming from burst water pipes were happening in large, troubled water systems such as Jackson, Miss., where residents were required over Christmas to boil water. Wed, 28 Dec 2022 13:34:29 GMT /news/2022-12-28/a-deep-freeze-is-breaking-pipes-and-creating-a-water-crisis-across-the-south The Associated Press The water crisis in Jackson follows years of failure to fix an aging system /news/2022-08-31/the-water-crisis-in-jackson-follows-years-of-failure-to-fix-an-aging-system More than 150,000 people are without clean water. For years, aging infrastructure and a lack of investment left residents dealing with unreliable access and worries about the safety of the water. Wed, 31 Aug 2022 13:30:00 GMT /news/2022-08-31/the-water-crisis-in-jackson-follows-years-of-failure-to-fix-an-aging-system Jason Breslow