water pollution /tags/water-pollution water pollution en-US WLRN Wed, 19 Jul 2023 12:30:00 GMT These are the dirtiest waterways in South Florida. Are they in your neighborhood? /environment/2023-07-19/these-are-the-dirtiest-waterways-in-south-florida-are-they-in-your-neighborhood West Arch Creek in North Miami, Little River in Miami and Sweeting Park in Fort Lauderdale were among the sample sites with the biggest water quality issues, according to Miami Waterkeeper's 2022 report. Wed, 19 Jul 2023 12:30:00 GMT /environment/2023-07-19/these-are-the-dirtiest-waterways-in-south-florida-are-they-in-your-neighborhood Alan Halaly COMIC: How young people are taking action against climate change /news/npr-breaking-news/2022-04-22/comic-how-young-people-are-taking-action-against-climate-change Xiye Bastida was raised in the highlands of Mexico with an understanding that she had to thank the Earth for everything it provided. Now, she's dedicated her entire life to the issue of protecting it. Fri, 22 Apr 2022 14:23:10 GMT /news/npr-breaking-news/2022-04-22/comic-how-young-people-are-taking-action-against-climate-change Ashanti Fortson, Christina Cala, LA Johnson The Army Corps is taking public comment on a scaled back plan to fix pollution in and around Lake O /news/2022-03-23/the-army-corps-is-taking-public-comment-on-a-scaled-back-plan-to-fix-pollution-in-and-around-lake-o The latest plan cuts back on both the storage and cleaning needed to fix the lake. It eliminates a large above ground reservoir and treatment marshes, relying instead on underground storage wells. Wed, 23 Mar 2022 17:14:20 GMT /news/2022-03-23/the-army-corps-is-taking-public-comment-on-a-scaled-back-plan-to-fix-pollution-in-and-around-lake-o Jenny Staletovich South Florida’s dirty water, the Miami-Dade Youth Fair is back, ‘Secret Identity’ /podcast/sundial/2022-03-21/south-floridas-dirty-water-the-miami-dade-youth-fair-is-back-secret-identity Life in Florida is about water. But how much of that water is clean enough for us to enjoy? Plus, Miami-Dade Youth Fair is back with the most interesting food lineup. And this month’s Sundial Book Club conversation with Alex Segura about his newest book ‘Secret Identity.’ Mon, 21 Mar 2022 21:48:55 GMT /podcast/sundial/2022-03-21/south-floridas-dirty-water-the-miami-dade-youth-fair-is-back-secret-identity Leslie Ovalle Atkinson South Florida’s dirty water, the Miami-Dade Youth Fair is back, ‘Secret Identity’ /2022-03-21/south-floridas-dirty-water-the-miami-dade-youth-fair-is-back-secret-identity Life in Florida is about water. But how much of that water is clean enough for us to enjoy? Plus, Miami-Dade Youth Fair is back with the most interesting food lineup. And this month’s Sundial Book Club conversation with Alex Segura about his newest book ‘Secret Identity.’ Mon, 21 Mar 2022 21:48:20 GMT /2022-03-21/south-floridas-dirty-water-the-miami-dade-youth-fair-is-back-secret-identity Leslie Ovalle Atkinson Biscayne Bay task force wants to set pollution limits — and more money from the state /news/2021-12-07/biscayne-bay-task-force-wants-to-set-pollution-limits-and-more-money-from-the-state In their first meeting Monday, members of the Biscayne Bay Watershed Management Advisory Board asked for more details about state money. Tue, 07 Dec 2021 14:06:38 GMT /news/2021-12-07/biscayne-bay-task-force-wants-to-set-pollution-limits-and-more-money-from-the-state Jenny Staletovich New Charges In Flint Water Crisis, Including Former Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder /news/2021-01-14/new-charges-in-flint-water-crisis-including-former-michigan-gov-rick-snyder At least a dozen people died and more than 80 people fell ill after untreated water from the Flint River caused lead to leach from old pipes, poisoning the water system city residents relied on. Thu, 14 Jan 2021 12:01:43 GMT /news/2021-01-14/new-charges-in-flint-water-crisis-including-former-michigan-gov-rick-snyder Brakkton Booker Biscayne Bay Needs Better Pollution Rules, An Oversight Board And A Chief Officer, Task Force Says /2020-08-18/biscayne-bay-needs-better-pollution-rules-an-oversight-board-and-a-chief-officer-task-force-says A draft report from a task force created in early 2019 to fix worsening pollution problems in Biscayne Bay is calling for a new oversight board. Tue, 18 Aug 2020 11:30:15 GMT /2020-08-18/biscayne-bay-needs-better-pollution-rules-an-oversight-board-and-a-chief-officer-task-force-says Jenny Staletovich The Seagrass Died. That May Have Triggered A Widespread Fish Kill In Biscayne Bay /2020-08-14/the-seagrass-died-that-may-have-triggered-a-widespread-fish-kill-in-biscayne-bay A seagrass die-off first reported in 2013 and that eventually killed more than 75 percent of grasses in the Tuttle Basin made the basin more vulnerable to low oxygen levels as water heats up. Fri, 14 Aug 2020 11:00:34 GMT /2020-08-14/the-seagrass-died-that-may-have-triggered-a-widespread-fish-kill-in-biscayne-bay Jenny Staletovich A Fish Kill Spotted In Biscayne Bay May Be Spreading Through Miami /2020-08-13/a-fish-kill-spotted-in-biscayne-bay-may-be-spreading-through-miami A fish kill first spotted by swimmers off Morningside Park on Monday may be spreading, with new reports from Pelican Harbor to the north and south to Virginia Key. Thu, 13 Aug 2020 13:24:52 GMT /2020-08-13/a-fish-kill-spotted-in-biscayne-bay-may-be-spreading-through-miami Jenny Staletovich