urban planning /tags/urban-planning urban planning en-US WLRN Wed, 11 Jan 2023 22:00:00 GMT Forest lizards have genetically morphed to survive life in the city, researchers say /environment/2023-01-11/forest-lizards-have-genetically-morphed-to-survive-life-in-the-city-researchers-say The Puerto Rican crested anole has sprouted special scales to better cling to smooth surfaces like walls and windows and grown larger limbs to sprint across open areas, scientists say. Wed, 11 Jan 2023 22:00:00 GMT /environment/2023-01-11/forest-lizards-have-genetically-morphed-to-survive-life-in-the-city-researchers-say The Associated Press In a time of 'exponential everything' Florida's old planning laws could help fight climate change /news/2021-11-29/in-a-time-of-exponential-everything-floridas-old-planning-laws-could-help-fight-climate-change Earl Starnes, Florida's first planning director, helped write a suite of laws that sought to control sprawl in the 1970s that began to stress the state's resources. Mon, 29 Nov 2021 11:00:00 GMT /news/2021-11-29/in-a-time-of-exponential-everything-floridas-old-planning-laws-could-help-fight-climate-change Jenny Staletovich Bringing Back Trees To 'Forest City's' Redlined Areas Helps Residents And The Climate /news/npr-breaking-news/2021-06-23/bringing-back-trees-to-forest-citys-redlined-areas-helps-residents-and-the-climate In Cleveland, as in other cities, a move for "tree equity" is bringing more trees to low-income neighborhoods that often lack them. It also helps neighborhoods stay cooler as the planet heats up. Wed, 23 Jun 2021 16:25:00 GMT /news/npr-breaking-news/2021-06-23/bringing-back-trees-to-forest-citys-redlined-areas-helps-residents-and-the-climate Dan Charles, Ryan Kellman As Emergency Orders Are Set To End In Miami, Locals Push To Keep Streets Closed /news/2021-06-15/as-emergency-orders-are-set-to-end-in-miami-locals-push-to-keep-streets-closed Some streets were closed to allow more outdoor seating for bars and restaurants during COVID-19. As emergency orders are set to end, many want the closures to remain permanent. Tue, 15 Jun 2021 19:36:51 GMT /news/2021-06-15/as-emergency-orders-are-set-to-end-in-miami-locals-push-to-keep-streets-closed Daniel Rivero More Urban Sprawl May Result From Bill On Governor's Desk /news/2021-04-30/more-urban-sprawl-may-result-from-bill-on-governors-desk A bill now awaiting the governor's signature could spur new development that doesn't fit into existing growth plans. Opponents fear it may lead to more urban sprawl. Fri, 30 Apr 2021 10:56:48 GMT /news/2021-04-30/more-urban-sprawl-may-result-from-bill-on-governors-desk Steve Newborn How Trees Can Make South Florida More Resilient Against Rising Temperatures /news/2018-05-02/how-trees-can-make-south-florida-more-resilient-against-rising-temperatures Global warming is likely contributing to record-breaking heat in South Florida: 2015 and 2017 tied for the hottest year since regional record-keeping… Thu, 03 May 2018 01:04:22 GMT /news/2018-05-02/how-trees-can-make-south-florida-more-resilient-against-rising-temperatures