Trinidad /tags/trinidad Trinidad en-US WLRN Fri, 31 Mar 2023 15:00:00 GMT Miami jury awards Trinidad a $100 million verdict in key corruption lawsuit /americas/2023-03-31/miami-jury-awards-trinidad-a-100-million-verdict-in-key-corruption-lawsuit The government of Trinidad and Tobago has won a multimillion-dollar verdict in a sprawling corruption lawsuit that began nearly 20 years ago and involves former high-ranking officials. Fri, 31 Mar 2023 15:00:00 GMT /americas/2023-03-31/miami-jury-awards-trinidad-a-100-million-verdict-in-key-corruption-lawsuit Danica Coto| Associated Press, Gisela Salomon | Associated Press Trinidad Faces Humanitarian Crisis As More Venezuelans Come For Refuge /2018-12-18/trinidad-faces-humanitarian-crisis-as-more-venezuelans-come-for-refuge Tens of thousands of Venezuelans have fled to the Caribbean country in recent years. Now Trinidad's government is adopting a harder line toward the newcomers. Tue, 18 Dec 2018 17:49:00 GMT /2018-12-18/trinidad-faces-humanitarian-crisis-as-more-venezuelans-come-for-refuge John Otis Leon Foster Thomas Finds His Voice /show/evenin-jazz-with-tracy-fields/2013-05-17/leon-foster-thomas-finds-his-voice Leon Foster Thomas grew up in a musical household in Trinidad but steel pan didn't appeal to him - at first. Ultimately the young percussionist taught… Sat, 18 May 2013 00:33:09 GMT /show/evenin-jazz-with-tracy-fields/2013-05-17/leon-foster-thomas-finds-his-voice Tracy Fields