torture /tags/torture torture en-US WLRN Thu, 13 Jan 2022 13:09:30 GMT In a landmark case, a German court convicts an ex-Syrian officer of torture /news/npr-breaking-news/2022-01-13/in-a-landmark-case-a-german-court-convicts-an-ex-syrian-officer-of-torture The world's first criminal trial on torture in Syria's prisons ended Thursday in Koblenz, Germany — the first time a high-ranking ex-Syrian official faced Syrians in open court in a war crimes case. Thu, 13 Jan 2022 13:09:30 GMT /news/npr-breaking-news/2022-01-13/in-a-landmark-case-a-german-court-convicts-an-ex-syrian-officer-of-torture Deborah Amos Architect Of CIA's Torture Program Says It Went Too Far /2020-01-22/architect-of-cias-torture-program-says-it-went-too-far One of the psychologists who designed the CIA's torture program appeared at war court in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, on Wednesday. He testified about an inmate who was waterboarded more than 80 times. Wed, 22 Jan 2020 23:00:00 GMT /2020-01-22/architect-of-cias-torture-program-says-it-went-too-far Sacha Pfeiffer, Meg Anderson A Legacy Of Torture Is Preventing Trials At Guantánamo /2019-11-14/a-legacy-of-torture-is-preventing-trials-at-guantanamo The CIA's use of torture after the Sept. 11 attacks has led to years of legal battles at the U.S. military court in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, where 40 accused terrorists are still being held. Thu, 14 Nov 2019 10:02:00 GMT /2019-11-14/a-legacy-of-torture-is-preventing-trials-at-guantanamo Sacha Pfeiffer Cubans Question Treatment Of Bahamas Detainees After Video Airing /politics/2013-07-15/cubans-question-treatment-of-bahamas-detainees-after-video-airing AméricaTevé recently televised videos and photographs purportedly showing abuse of Cuban detainees being brutally beaten by Bahamian officials. The video… Mon, 15 Jul 2013 11:16:00 GMT /politics/2013-07-15/cubans-question-treatment-of-bahamas-detainees-after-video-airing Javier Enriquez