tax reform /tags/tax-reform tax reform en-US WLRN Mon, 25 Oct 2021 12:00:00 GMT Does the IRS really want to spy on your bank account? The latest tax fight explained /news/2021-10-25/does-the-irs-really-want-to-spy-on-your-bank-account-the-latest-tax-fight-explained The Biden administration hopes to help fund its agenda by cracking down on tax evasion, but its plan to require more bank information is drawing strong opposition from GOP lawmakers and banks. Mon, 25 Oct 2021 12:00:00 GMT /news/2021-10-25/does-the-irs-really-want-to-spy-on-your-bank-account-the-latest-tax-fight-explained Scott Horsley The Democratic Push To Tax The Rich More Is 40 Years In The Making /news/2021-09-16/the-democratic-push-to-tax-the-rich-more-is-40-years-in-the-making Democrats will try the same budgetary process from four decades ago when first-year President Ronald Reagan used reconciliation to achieve his "revolution" in federal fiscal policy. Thu, 16 Sep 2021 20:02:50 GMT /news/2021-09-16/the-democratic-push-to-tax-the-rich-more-is-40-years-in-the-making Ron Elving Congress Changed 529 College Savings Plans, And Now States Are Nervous /npr-breaking-news/2018-01-08/congress-changed-529-college-savings-plans-and-now-states-are-nervous Why the dramatically new vision for the popular college savings plan could cost some states dearly. Mon, 08 Jan 2018 11:01:00 GMT /npr-breaking-news/2018-01-08/congress-changed-529-college-savings-plans-and-now-states-are-nervous Cory Turner Puerto Rico Governor Vows To Make Florida Republicans Pay For Supporting Tax Bill /news/2017-12-18/puerto-rico-governor-vows-to-make-florida-republicans-pay-for-supporting-tax-bill For weeks, Puerto Rican Gov. Ricardo Rosselló and his associates tried to play the Washington game, meeting with politicians and lobbyists across Capitol… Mon, 18 Dec 2017 20:16:13 GMT /news/2017-12-18/puerto-rico-governor-vows-to-make-florida-republicans-pay-for-supporting-tax-bill Alex Daugherty As GOP Lawmakers Eye Cutting Estate Tax, Will They Increase Income Inequality? /2017-12-07/as-gop-lawmakers-eye-cutting-estate-tax-will-they-increase-income-inequality As Republicans prepare to pass their massive tax overhaul, they are planning to lessen, or even eliminate, the estate tax. Critics say the tax plays an important role in making the economy fair. Thu, 07 Dec 2017 09:43:00 GMT /2017-12-07/as-gop-lawmakers-eye-cutting-estate-tax-will-they-increase-income-inequality Jim Zarroli Republican Senators Add Repeal Of Individual Health Care Mandate To Tax Bill /2017-11-14/republican-senators-add-repeal-of-individual-health-care-mandate-to-tax-bill Republican leaders expressed confidence that the measure could pass the Senate. It is likely to face even fewer hurdles in the House, as the GOP aims to pass a tax bill by Christmas. Tue, 14 Nov 2017 21:37:00 GMT /2017-11-14/republican-senators-add-repeal-of-individual-health-care-mandate-to-tax-bill Kelsey Snell Republicans Outline Biggest Tax Code Overhaul In A Generation /2017-09-27/republicans-outline-biggest-tax-code-overhaul-in-a-generation After months of private negotiation, President Trump and GOP congressional leaders have revealed the outline of their tax plan. It calls for cuts in both individual and corporate tax rates. Wed, 27 Sep 2017 09:00:00 GMT /2017-09-27/republicans-outline-biggest-tax-code-overhaul-in-a-generation Scott Horsley Republicans Plead With Trump To Get On, And Stay On, Message To Pass A Tax Overhaul /2017-08-19/republicans-plead-with-trump-to-get-on-and-stay-on-message-to-pass-a-tax-overhaul While the president was laying blame on "both sides" for violence in Charlottesville, Republicans were meeting to hammer out a tax overhaul. But they worry about whether Trump can make the sale. Sat, 19 Aug 2017 13:00:00 GMT /2017-08-19/republicans-plead-with-trump-to-get-on-and-stay-on-message-to-pass-a-tax-overhaul Susan Davis