Tallahassee Takeover /tags/tallahassee-takeover Tallahassee Takeover en-US WLRN Mon, 09 May 2022 18:55:20 GMT WLRN wins 14 Florida News Awards for work produced in 2021 /news/2022-05-09/wlrn-wins-14-florida-news-awards-for-work-produced-in-2021 WLRN earned 14 awards in the Florida News Awards competition for journalism produced in 2021, including Overall Station of the Year. Sundial's Leslie Ovalle is the top radio producer in the state. Mon, 09 May 2022 18:55:20 GMT /news/2022-05-09/wlrn-wins-14-florida-news-awards-for-work-produced-in-2021 WLRN News Yellow Fever to COVID: Florida's Democrats Gave the State Power Over Public Health, Republicans Ran With It /podcast/tallahassee-takeover/2022-05-04/yellow-fever-to-covid-floridas-democrats-gave-the-state-power-over-public-health-republicans-ran-with-it For a long time, big decisions that affected the health of Floridians came from county-run health departments. Aiming for more equity, Democrats funneled that power to the state, and somewhere along the way, Republicans embraced big government. Wed, 04 May 2022 10:00:00 GMT /podcast/tallahassee-takeover/2022-05-04/yellow-fever-to-covid-floridas-democrats-gave-the-state-power-over-public-health-republicans-ran-with-it Daniel Rivero, Verónica Zaragovia Palm Beach County Elections, From Tijuana to South Florida, Tallahassee Takeover /2022-03-08/palm-beach-county-elections-from-tijuana-to-south-florida-tallahassee-takeover The polls are open in Palm Beach and Broward Counties. We meet a border writer who is in the Latino Literature Hall of Fame. Plus, what if local businesses could influence local laws simply by filing lawsuits? Tue, 08 Mar 2022 22:07:34 GMT /2022-03-08/palm-beach-county-elections-from-tijuana-to-south-florida-tallahassee-takeover Leslie Ovalle Atkinson, Caitie Muñoz Taking Care of Businesses: Lower Profits Could Mean Changing Local Laws /news/2022-02-18/taking-care-of-businesses-lower-profits-could-mean-changing-local-laws Two proposed state laws would allow businesses to sue and block local rules that hurt their profits. Local government officials say that's interfering with what people want in their own neighborhoods — and putting local taxpayers on the hook for damages. This is an episode from the WLRN podcast Tallahassee Takeover. Fri, 18 Feb 2022 18:52:28 GMT /news/2022-02-18/taking-care-of-businesses-lower-profits-could-mean-changing-local-laws Daniel Rivero Taking Care of Businesses: Lower Profits Could Mean Changing Local Laws /podcast/tallahassee-takeover/2022-02-17/taking-care-of-businesses-lower-profits-could-mean-changing-local-laws Two proposed state laws would allow businesses to sue and block local rules that hurt their profits. Local government officials say that's interfering with what people want in their own neighborhoods — and putting local taxpayers on the hook for damages. Thu, 17 Feb 2022 16:19:28 GMT /podcast/tallahassee-takeover/2022-02-17/taking-care-of-businesses-lower-profits-could-mean-changing-local-laws Daniel Rivero State senate signs off on local lawsuits measure /news/2022-01-27/state-senate-signs-off-on-local-lawsuits-measure Dubbing it the “Local Business Protection Act,” the Florida Senate on Thursday passed a controversial bill that could lead to businesses filing lawsuits against cities and counties. Fri, 28 Jan 2022 00:09:18 GMT /news/2022-01-27/state-senate-signs-off-on-local-lawsuits-measure Jim Saunders | News Service of Florida South Florida group helps kids with incarcerated parents, and the latest Tallahassee Takeover /2022-01-03/south-florida-group-helps-kids-with-incarcerated-parents-and-the-latest-tallahassee-takeover Growing up when one of your parents is behind bars happens more often than you might think. We’re going to hear from one young man who has had that experience and a group here in South Florida reaching out to those kids to mentor them. Plus, we’ll hear the latest episode of WLRN’s podcast Tallahassee Takeover. Mon, 03 Jan 2022 23:29:14 GMT /2022-01-03/south-florida-group-helps-kids-with-incarcerated-parents-and-the-latest-tallahassee-takeover Caitie Muñoz Stories from the Sunshine State: Archaeology sites, manatee threats, heirs' property, local gun regulation and smoking on beaches /2021-12-30/stories-from-the-sunshine-state-archaeology-sites-manatee-threats-heirs-property-local-gun-regulation-and-smoking-on-beaches The year-end episode of The Florida Roundup has stories from public radio reporters throughout the The Sunshine State. Thu, 30 Dec 2021 22:22:24 GMT /2021-12-30/stories-from-the-sunshine-state-archaeology-sites-manatee-threats-heirs-property-local-gun-regulation-and-smoking-on-beaches WLRN News Tallahassee stopped cities from banning natural gas. Their climate change plans suffered /news/2021-12-10/tallahassee-stopped-cities-from-banning-natural-gas-their-climate-change-plans-suffered This summer, Miami joined cities across the state in pledging to lower its greenhouse gas emissions in order to stave off the worst impacts of climate change, which could swamp Florida’s coasts with a few feet of sea rise by mid-century. But Miami’s plan, like others across the state, was weakened by a set of new state laws that block municipalities from regulating fossil fuels in their own communities. Fri, 10 Dec 2021 14:10:56 GMT /news/2021-12-10/tallahassee-stopped-cities-from-banning-natural-gas-their-climate-change-plans-suffered Alex Harris - Miami Herald, Daniel Rivero By land and by sea, protests greet latest big cruise ship to call at Key West /news/2021-12-10/by-land-and-by-sea-protests-greet-latest-big-cruise-ship-to-call-at-key-west Key West locals who voted for limits on the cruise industry gathered with signs saying "stop the silt" and "no big ships" as the Norwegian Dawn pulled in. Fri, 10 Dec 2021 13:48:18 GMT /news/2021-12-10/by-land-and-by-sea-protests-greet-latest-big-cruise-ship-to-call-at-key-west Nancy Klingener