Super PAC /tags/super-pac Super PAC en-US WLRN Tue, 25 Feb 2020 02:29:45 GMT Florida #CaudilloDay Creator Defends Trump-Dictator Comparisons, But Quiet On Sanders? /show/latin-america-report/2020-02-24/florida-caudilloday-creator-defends-trump-dictator-comparisons-but-quiet-on-sanders Last week, the Democratic Super PAC Priorities U.S.A. launched a social media ad campaign that's created a lot of buzz in South Florida.It's called… Tue, 25 Feb 2020 02:29:45 GMT /show/latin-america-report/2020-02-24/florida-caudilloday-creator-defends-trump-dictator-comparisons-but-quiet-on-sanders Tim Padgett