Second Amendment /tags/second-amendment Second Amendment en-US WLRN Thu, 18 Jan 2024 17:00:00 GMT In unusual Florida case, drug dealer’s guns can’t be considered in sentencing /law-justice/2024-01-18/florida-case-drug-dealer-guns-sentencing A ruling by a state appeals court in a little-noticed, nearly two-year court battle over a drug arrest in central Florida may have broad implications for Second Amendment rights in a state with so many owners of firearms that it’s sometimes called the “Gunshine State.” Thu, 18 Jan 2024 17:00:00 GMT /law-justice/2024-01-18/florida-case-drug-dealer-guns-sentencing Silas Morgan | Fresh Take Florida Florida 'red-flag' law eyed amid gun debate /news/2022-06-06/florida-red-flag-law-eyed-amid-gun-debate As a national debate rages over gun laws after last month’s mass shooting at a Texas elementary school, proponents of “red-flag” policies point to a Florida law as a model for states seeking to strip deadly weapons from people who could cause harm. Mon, 06 Jun 2022 11:18:04 GMT /news/2022-06-06/florida-red-flag-law-eyed-amid-gun-debate Dara Kam | News Service Florida DeSantis says he will ask lawmakers to enact 'constitutional carry' legislation /news/2022-04-29/desantis-says-he-will-ask-lawmakers-to-enact-constitutional-carry-legislation He says it's to help protect the state's Second Amendment rights while criticizing Nikki Fried, whose department issues concealed weapons permits. Fri, 29 Apr 2022 18:28:00 GMT /news/2022-04-29/desantis-says-he-will-ask-lawmakers-to-enact-constitutional-carry-legislation Carl Lisciandrello Black Gun Groups Thrive Across South Florida In Times Of Civil Unrest /2020-09-07/black-gun-groups-thrive-across-south-florida-in-times-of-civil-unrest Mon, 07 Sep 2020 10:45:13 GMT /2020-09-07/black-gun-groups-thrive-across-south-florida-in-times-of-civil-unrest Austen Erblat - South Florida Sun Sentinel Texas Church Shooter Kills 2 Before Being Fatally Shot By Congregants /2019-12-29/texas-church-shooter-kills-2-before-being-fatally-shot-by-congregants A gunman opened fire during a church service in an area called White Settlement. "Evil walked boldly among us," Sheriff Bill Waybourn said. "Good people raised up and stopped it before it got worse." Sun, 29 Dec 2019 19:34:35 GMT /2019-12-29/texas-church-shooter-kills-2-before-being-fatally-shot-by-congregants Gabriela Saldivia Turmoil At The NRA: TV Channel Ends, Lobbyist Resigns, A New Hill Probe Begins /2019-06-26/turmoil-at-the-nra-tv-channel-ends-lobbyist-resigns-a-new-hill-probe-begins National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre announced NRATV will stop production, a top lobbyist for the group stepped down and allegations persist of financial misconduct. Thu, 27 Jun 2019 00:09:32 GMT /2019-06-26/turmoil-at-the-nra-tv-channel-ends-lobbyist-resigns-a-new-hill-probe-begins Sasha Ingber, Tim Mak Bump Stocks Will Soon Be Illegal, But That's Not Stopping Sales /2019-02-04/bump-stocks-will-soon-be-illegal-but-thats-not-stopping-sales The federal ban on bump stocks announced in December takes effect March 26. Sellers and gun rights groups are taking advantage of that extra time to boost sales, despite the upcoming ban. Mon, 04 Feb 2019 22:24:00 GMT /2019-02-04/bump-stocks-will-soon-be-illegal-but-thats-not-stopping-sales Martin Kaste NRA Says It Faces A Financial Crisis In Lawsuit Against New York State Officials /2018-08-04/nra-says-it-faces-a-financial-crisis-in-lawsuit-against-new-york-state-officials The National Rifle Association says insurance companies are backing away from the organization, threatening its ability to operate. Sat, 04 Aug 2018 17:12:14 GMT /2018-08-04/nra-says-it-faces-a-financial-crisis-in-lawsuit-against-new-york-state-officials Shannon Van Sant, Brian Mann NRA Teens Can't Anonymously Challenge Florida Gun Laws, Judge Says /2018-05-14/nra-teens-cant-anonymously-challenge-florida-gun-laws-judge-says "Jane Doe" and "John Doe," 19-year-olds who want to buy guns, tried to join an NRA suit against Florida's ban on gun purchases by people under 21. A judge reluctantly ruled they can't use pseudonyms. Mon, 14 May 2018 18:07:00 GMT /2018-05-14/nra-teens-cant-anonymously-challenge-florida-gun-laws-judge-says Camila Domonoske NPR Poll: After Parkland, Number of Americans Who Want Gun Restrictions Grows /national-politics/2018-03-02/npr-poll-after-parkland-number-of-americans-who-want-gun-restrictions-grows More than 9 in 10 Americans support mandatory background checks for all gun buyers. That's one finding in a new NPR/Ipsos poll that shows an increasing level of support for gun control policies. Fri, 02 Mar 2018 10:00:00 GMT /national-politics/2018-03-02/npr-poll-after-parkland-number-of-americans-who-want-gun-restrictions-grows Asma Khalid