Russia /tags/russia Russia en-US WLRN Tue, 03 Sep 2024 15:00:00 GMT Activists charged with pushing Russian propaganda go on trial in Florida /law-justice/2024-09-03/activists-charged-with-pushing-russian-propaganda-go-on-trial-in-florida Experts say the case offers a window into how the Russian government tries to influence American elections and promote its own geopolitical agenda. Tue, 03 Sep 2024 15:00:00 GMT /law-justice/2024-09-03/activists-charged-with-pushing-russian-propaganda-go-on-trial-in-florida Patricia Mazzei | The New York Times After a stop in Cuba, 2 Russian ships dock in Venezuelan port as part of 'show the flag' exercises /americas/2024-07-03/after-a-stop-in-cuba-2-russian-ships-dock-in-venezuelan-port-as-part-of-show-the-flag-exercises Two Russian naval ships have docked in the Venezuelan port of La Guaira during exercises in the Atlantic Ocean that Moscow says are to “show the flag” in remote, important regions. Wed, 03 Jul 2024 18:59:18 GMT /americas/2024-07-03/after-a-stop-in-cuba-2-russian-ships-dock-in-venezuelan-port-as-part-of-show-the-flag-exercises The Associated Press Russian warships reach Cuban waters ahead of military exercises in the Caribbean /americas/2024-06-12/russian-warships-reach-cuban-waters-ahead-of-military-exercises-in-the-caribbean A fleet of Russian warships have reached Cuban waters ahead of planned military exercises in the Caribbean. Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:01:30 GMT /americas/2024-06-12/russian-warships-reach-cuban-waters-ahead-of-military-exercises-in-the-caribbean The Associated Press Russian warships will arrive in Havana, say Cuban officials citing 'friendly relations' /americas/2024-06-06/russia-warship-cuba-havana-americas Four Russian warships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will arrive in Havana next week, Cuban officials said, citing “historically friendly relations” between both nations and as tensions escalate over Western military support for Ukraine in its war with Russia. Thu, 06 Jun 2024 20:18:29 GMT /americas/2024-06-06/russia-warship-cuba-havana-americas The Associated Press Once a sheriff's deputy in Florida, now a source of disinformation from Russia /florida-news/2024-05-30/once-a-sheriffs-deputy-in-florida-now-a-source-of-disinformation-from-russia In 2016, Russia used an army of trolls to interfere in the U.S. presidential election. This year, an American given asylum in Moscow may be accomplishing much the same thing all by himself. Thu, 30 May 2024 21:00:00 GMT /florida-news/2024-05-30/once-a-sheriffs-deputy-in-florida-now-a-source-of-disinformation-from-russia Steven Lee Myers | The New York Times MAGAtino Mystery: They back Trump — as he backs Putin over their patrias /commentary/2024-02-22/trump-maga-latinos-putin-russia COMMENTARY South Florida Latinos embrace Donald Trump — even as he undermines the cause of democracy in their homelands by embracing Vladimir Putin. Thu, 22 Feb 2024 12:00:00 GMT /commentary/2024-02-22/trump-maga-latinos-putin-russia Tim Padgett Cuba's 'crackdown' on Russia's alleged human trafficking ring /americas/2023-09-12/cuba-russia-human-trafficking-ring Erich de la Fuente, a Cuban-American professor of international relations at FIU and an expert on Russia, Ukraine and Eastern Europe, discussed his view on Cuba's alleged human trafficking bust. Tue, 12 Sep 2023 12:00:00 GMT /americas/2023-09-12/cuba-russia-human-trafficking-ring Helen Acevedo Miami exiles claim Cuba helped recruit Cubans to fight for Russia; Cuba strongly denies the charge /americas/2023-09-07/cuban-government-russia-ukraine-war Cuba’s Foreign Ministry announced it had in fact disrupted a scheme in Russia to recruit Cuban citizens to fight in Ukraine and denied supporting Russia's invasion. Thu, 07 Sep 2023 13:57:54 GMT /americas/2023-09-07/cuban-government-russia-ukraine-war WLRN News Staff We can't cancel Russia in Cuba — so we cancel Los Van Van in Miami /commentary/2023-05-25/we-cant-cancel-russia-in-cuba-so-we-cancel-los-van-van-in-miami COMMENTARY Russia's deeper presence in Cuba is a reminder that isolating the island risks leaving the U.S. on the sidelines when its communist comandantes are gone. Thu, 25 May 2023 13:00:57 GMT /commentary/2023-05-25/we-cant-cancel-russia-in-cuba-so-we-cancel-los-van-van-in-miami Tim Padgett Will Russia now become a major stakeholder in Cuba? /americas/2023-05-23/cuba-russia-economy-trade-business-committee-havana Cuba often calls Russia for rescue from its communist economic mess — but a new raft of deals just signed by the partners are potentially alarming for U.S. foreign policy in this hemisphere. Tue, 23 May 2023 14:40:37 GMT /americas/2023-05-23/cuba-russia-economy-trade-business-committee-havana Tim Padgett