riots /tags/riots riots en-US WLRN Wed, 03 May 2023 14:30:00 GMT Florida man charged with throwing explosive at Capitol riot /national/2023-05-03/florida-man-charged-with-throwing-explosive-at-capitol-riot A Florida man accused of setting off an explosive and injuring several police officers during the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol has been arrested. Wed, 03 May 2023 14:30:00 GMT /national/2023-05-03/florida-man-charged-with-throwing-explosive-at-capitol-riot AP FBI searches for a Florida woman and one other involved in Capitol riot /florida-news/2023-03-07/fbi-searches-for-a-florida-woman-and-one-other-involved-in-capitol-riot The FBI is searching for a Florida woman who was supposed to stand trial on charges stemming from the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack as well as another riot defendant who has also gone missing. Tue, 07 Mar 2023 12:00:00 GMT /florida-news/2023-03-07/fbi-searches-for-a-florida-woman-and-one-other-involved-in-capitol-riot Alanna Durkin Richer | Associated Press Court asks, how should 'riot' be defined in Florida state law? /news/2023-01-11/court-asks-how-should-riot-be-defined-in-florida-state-law A federal appeals court Tuesday turned to the Florida Supreme Court for help in determining the meaning of the word “riot” in the law. Wed, 11 Jan 2023 15:00:00 GMT /news/2023-01-11/court-asks-how-should-riot-be-defined-in-florida-state-law Jim Saunders Sweden links riots to criminal gangs that target police /2022-04-18/sweden-links-riots-to-criminal-gangs-that-target-police Swedish police said riots that have shaken several cities are extremely serious crimes and suspect some protesters are linked to criminal gangs that intentionally target police. Mon, 18 Apr 2022 15:06:41 GMT /2022-04-18/sweden-links-riots-to-criminal-gangs-that-target-police The Associated Press Prosecutors cannot call those shot by Kyle Rittenhouse 'victims,' a judge has ruled /news/2021-10-27/prosecutors-cannot-call-those-shot-by-kyle-rittenhouse-victims-a-judge-has-ruled But the defense may call them "arsonists" or "looters," the judge ruled. The criminal trial of Rittenhouse, the teenager who shot and killed two protesters in Kenosha, Wis., begins next week. Wed, 27 Oct 2021 14:51:57 GMT /news/2021-10-27/prosecutors-cannot-call-those-shot-by-kyle-rittenhouse-victims-a-judge-has-ruled Becky Sullivan A Riot In A Massive Prison In Ecuador Has Left More Than 100 Inmates Dead /news/2021-09-30/a-riot-in-a-massive-prison-in-ecuador-has-left-more-than-100-inmates-dead Ecuador's president has declared a state of emergency in the prison system, blaming the violence on rival gangs. The prison near Guayaquil holds nearly 10,000 inmates. Thu, 30 Sep 2021 12:52:05 GMT /news/2021-09-30/a-riot-in-a-massive-prison-in-ecuador-has-left-more-than-100-inmates-dead The Associated Press DeSantis’ Plan To Change Florida School Testing, ‘Anti-Riot’ Law Blocked, And 'The Woman Under The Tree' /2021-09-15/desantis-plan-to-change-florida-school-testing-anti-riot-law-blocked-and-the-woman-under-the-tree Governor Ron DeSantis has a proposal to end Florida’s current standardized testing program. A judge ruled against Florida's anti-riot Law. Is it enforceable anymore? Plus, a short film made in Miami tackles homelessness and mental health. Wed, 15 Sep 2021 22:10:56 GMT /2021-09-15/desantis-plan-to-change-florida-school-testing-anti-riot-law-blocked-and-the-woman-under-the-tree Leslie Ovalle Atkinson The FBI Keeps Using Clues From Volunteer Sleuths To Find The Jan. 6 Capitol Rioters /news/npr-breaking-news/2021-08-18/the-fbi-keeps-using-clues-from-volunteer-sleuths-to-find-the-jan-6-capitol-rioters In the aftermath of the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, a group of volunteer sleuths came forward to assist law enforcement in an unprecedented effort to identify possible suspects. Wed, 18 Aug 2021 12:50:01 GMT /news/npr-breaking-news/2021-08-18/the-fbi-keeps-using-clues-from-volunteer-sleuths-to-find-the-jan-6-capitol-rioters Tim Mak