Reyes Magos /tags/reyes-magos Reyes Magos en-US WLRN Mon, 14 Jan 2019 02:35:18 GMT PHOTO GALLERY: The Majesty of Miami's Three Kings Day Parade Down Calle Ocho /news/2019-01-13/photo-gallery-the-majesty-of-miamis-three-kings-day-parade-down-calle-ocho Calle Ocho made way for three clomping camels on Sunday afternoon to celebrate Miami’s annual Three Kings Day Parade, also known as La Parada de los Reyes… Mon, 14 Jan 2019 02:35:18 GMT /news/2019-01-13/photo-gallery-the-majesty-of-miamis-three-kings-day-parade-down-calle-ocho Wise Men Say: Time For A Truce Between Atheists And Believers (And More Toys) /politics/2014-01-06/wise-men-say-time-for-a-truce-between-atheists-and-believers-and-more-toys As a boy, I always envied Hispanics at Christmas. That’s because they got a bonus Santa Claus.Three, actually: Los Reyes Magos, a.k.a. the Three Kings,… Mon, 06 Jan 2014 11:04:33 GMT /politics/2014-01-06/wise-men-say-time-for-a-truce-between-atheists-and-believers-and-more-toys Tim Padgett