press secretary /tags/press-secretary press secretary en-US WLRN Thu, 21 Jul 2022 12:59:15 GMT Live updates: Jan. 6 panel says Trump chose not to act during Capitol attack /news/2022-07-21/live-updates-jan-6-panel-says-trump-chose-not-to-act-during-capitol-attack For 187 minutes, pressure mounted for the president to call off the mob and tell rioters to stop. Witnesses say Trump escalated the violence with a tweet and watched the violence unfold on TV. Thu, 21 Jul 2022 12:59:15 GMT /news/2022-07-21/live-updates-jan-6-panel-says-trump-chose-not-to-act-during-capitol-attack Ximena Bustillo, Emma Bowman Karine Jean-Pierre will become White House's 1st Black press secretary /news/national-politics/2022-05-05/karine-jean-pierre-will-become-white-houses-1st-black-press-secretary Jean-Pierre will also be the first openly gay person to have the most visible post at the White House aside from the president. Thu, 05 May 2022 20:07:00 GMT /news/national-politics/2022-05-05/karine-jean-pierre-will-become-white-houses-1st-black-press-secretary Tamara Keith