Maya /tags/maya Maya en-US WLRN Thu, 07 Oct 2021 13:01:35 GMT It's time to dump Columbus Day and make it Beringia Day — to celebrate what we are /commentary/2021-10-07/its-time-to-dump-columbus-day-and-make-it-beringia-day-to-celebrate-what-we-are COMMENTARY Beringia's crossing, not Columbus' voyage, evokes humanity’s arrival in the New World — and more important, what being the New World means. Thu, 07 Oct 2021 13:01:35 GMT /commentary/2021-10-07/its-time-to-dump-columbus-day-and-make-it-beringia-day-to-celebrate-what-we-are Tim Padgett A Brutal Story We Missed? New Film Recalls Obscure Chapter Of Guatemala Genocide /news/2021-03-23/a-brutal-story-we-missed-new-film-recalls-obscure-chapter-of-guatemala-genocide The Guatemalan film "1991," which just premiered in Miami, recalls horrific — but lesser known — racist violence that stalked the country's streets during its civil war. Tue, 23 Mar 2021 10:00:12 GMT /news/2021-03-23/a-brutal-story-we-missed-new-film-recalls-obscure-chapter-of-guatemala-genocide Tim Padgett '1991' Is A Reminder Of Guatemala's Genocidal Past — And Guatemalan Cinema's Promising Future /news/2021-03-10/1991-a-reminder-of-guatemalas-genocidal-past-and-guatemalan-cinemas-promising-future Sergio Ramírez's film, debuting at the Miami Film Festival this week, tells a lesser known — but no less brutal — story of racist hatred amid Guatemala's civil war. Wed, 10 Mar 2021 22:43:32 GMT /news/2021-03-10/1991-a-reminder-of-guatemalas-genocidal-past-and-guatemalan-cinemas-promising-future Tim Padgett Award-Winning LGBTQ Film From Guatemala Here This Week. Why Its Star Isn't /show/latin-america-report/2020-02-10/award-winning-lgbtq-film-from-guatemala-here-this-week-why-its-star-isnt “José” is an award winning film from Guatemala about a young gay man’s struggles to find love in a socially conservative, homophobic society. “José” opens… Mon, 10 Feb 2020 21:20:50 GMT /show/latin-america-report/2020-02-10/award-winning-lgbtq-film-from-guatemala-here-this-week-why-its-star-isnt Tim Padgett Less Than Zero: Modern Maya Know Why Trump's Refugee Limit Makes No Sense /news/2019-10-02/less-than-zero-modern-maya-know-why-trumps-refugee-limit-makes-no-sense COMMENTARYWe’re locked in yet another Trump-era moment that forces us to ponder the Ugly American.Right now it’s President Trump’s alleged efforts to… Thu, 03 Oct 2019 01:05:57 GMT /news/2019-10-02/less-than-zero-modern-maya-know-why-trumps-refugee-limit-makes-no-sense Tim Padgett 'Game Changer': Maya Cities Unearthed In Guatemala Forest Using Lasers /2018-02-02/game-changer-maya-cities-unearthed-in-guatemala-forest-using-lasers The technology provides them with an unprecedented view into how the ancient civilization worked and lived, revealing almost industrial agricultural infrastructure and new insights into warfare. Fri, 02 Feb 2018 22:20:00 GMT /2018-02-02/game-changer-maya-cities-unearthed-in-guatemala-forest-using-lasers Merrit Kennedy From Scorched Earth To Palm Beach: The Maya Are Coming To Florida /politics/2014-02-25/from-scorched-earth-to-palm-beach-the-maya-are-coming-to-florida The Maya have many cool nicknames. The Greeks of the New World. Men of Maize. But you can add a more unfortunate moniker – the Children of Scorched Earth… Tue, 25 Feb 2014 21:53:53 GMT /politics/2014-02-25/from-scorched-earth-to-palm-beach-the-maya-are-coming-to-florida Tim Padgett