Maras /tags/maras Maras en-US WLRN Thu, 31 Mar 2022 10:00:00 GMT Right now it's hard to root against — but harder to root for — El Salvador's Bukele /commentary/2022-03-31/right-now-its-hard-to-root-against-but-harder-to-root-for-el-salvadors-bukele COMMENTARY El Salvador's crises of bloodshed and Bitcoin may be a turning point for Nayib Bukele and his millennial brand of Latin American authoritarianism. Thu, 31 Mar 2022 10:00:00 GMT /commentary/2022-03-31/right-now-its-hard-to-root-against-but-harder-to-root-for-el-salvadors-bukele Tim Padgett That COVID-19 Story Of Hope About Latin America's Gangs? No Hope Of Happening /news/2020-04-23/that-covid-19-story-of-hope-about-latin-americas-gangs-no-hope-of-happening COMMENTARYCOVID-19 is producing a feel-good story across Latin America.According to this silver linings playbook, the pandemic is neutralizing the… Thu, 23 Apr 2020 11:28:57 GMT /news/2020-04-23/that-covid-19-story-of-hope-about-latin-americas-gangs-no-hope-of-happening Tim Padgett As Central Americans Flee Their Countries, Their Leaders Take Refuge In Hypocrisy /politics/2014-08-07/as-central-americans-flee-their-countries-their-leaders-take-refuge-in-hypocrisy Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández dropped by the U.S. Southern Command in Miami this week to talk about security in Central America. Or the utter… Thu, 07 Aug 2014 22:12:29 GMT /politics/2014-08-07/as-central-americans-flee-their-countries-their-leaders-take-refuge-in-hypocrisy Tim Padgett First Civil, Now Gang Wars. Who Would Want To Be President of El Salvador? /politics/2014-03-18/first-civil-now-gang-wars-who-would-want-to-be-president-of-el-salvador Here’s something you probably didn’t know: Salvadorans are poised to pass Cubans as the third-largest Latino group in the United States, behind Mexicans… Tue, 18 Mar 2014 22:42:31 GMT /politics/2014-03-18/first-civil-now-gang-wars-who-would-want-to-be-president-of-el-salvador Tim Padgett Haunted Hondurans: Fleeing The Most Violent Place On Earth /politics/2013-11-22/haunted-hondurans-fleeing-the-most-violent-place-on-earth What do you when you live in the most violent place on earth and you can’t take another day of it?We’re not talking about Syria or Iraq or Afghanistan.… Fri, 22 Nov 2013 12:40:25 GMT /politics/2013-11-22/haunted-hondurans-fleeing-the-most-violent-place-on-earth Tim Padgett