MAGAzuelans /tags/magazuelans MAGAzuelans en-US WLRN Thu, 22 Sep 2022 10:00:00 GMT DeSantis won't pay for exploiting migrants — just as Maduro hasn't for expelling them /commentary/2022-09-22/desantis-wont-pay-for-exploiting-migrants-just-as-maduro-hasnt-for-expelling-them COMMENTARY Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro know that using or abusing Venezuelan migrants is a politically safe move. Thu, 22 Sep 2022 10:00:00 GMT /commentary/2022-09-22/desantis-wont-pay-for-exploiting-migrants-just-as-maduro-hasnt-for-expelling-them Tim Padgett Trump's Deportation Suspension Both Gratifies And Galls South Florida Venezuelans /news/2021-01-26/trumps-deportation-suspension-both-gratifies-and-galls-south-florida-venezuelans Venezuelan exiles were happy to see President Trump finally grant their community relief from deportation — but many are angry he didn't order it years ago. Tue, 26 Jan 2021 13:54:01 GMT /news/2021-01-26/trumps-deportation-suspension-both-gratifies-and-galls-south-florida-venezuelans Tim Padgett For MAGAzuelans, The Trump Party Is Over And The Maduro Hangover Has Begun /commentary/2020-12-10/for-magazuelans-the-trump-party-is-over-and-the-maduro-hangover-has-begun COMMENTARY After being schmoozed by the President for two years, Florida's Venezuelan community is at a sobering crossroads. Thu, 10 Dec 2020 14:34:16 GMT /commentary/2020-12-10/for-magazuelans-the-trump-party-is-over-and-the-maduro-hangover-has-begun Tim Padgett Do Latin American Expats Consider Trump A Democracy Crusader Or Dictatorial Caudillo? /show/latin-america-report/2020-06-15/do-latin-american-expats-consider-trump-a-democracy-crusader-or-dictatorial-caudillo In one of the most controversial moments of one of America’s most controversial presidencies, Donald Trump this month sent National Guard troops to… Mon, 15 Jun 2020 22:45:38 GMT /show/latin-america-report/2020-06-15/do-latin-american-expats-consider-trump-a-democracy-crusader-or-dictatorial-caudillo Tim Padgett