legislation /tags/legislation legislation en-US WLRN Tue, 28 Feb 2023 16:42:50 GMT The top issues of the 2023 Florida legislative session /law/2023-02-28/the-top-issues-of-the-2023-florida-legislative-session The Florida legislature will formally convene for the start of its annual 60-day regular legislative session. Here's a look at what lawmakers have left on their "To Do" list. Tue, 28 Feb 2023 16:42:50 GMT /law/2023-02-28/the-top-issues-of-the-2023-florida-legislative-session Lynn Hatter In Miami, DeSantis unveils new law and order agenda for Florida /news/2023-01-27/the-governor-ron-desantis-administration-announced-steps-to-take-to-keep-law-and-order-in-florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced a new law and order agenda, that includes a proposal to expand the death penalty to certain sex crimes. Fri, 27 Jan 2023 12:30:00 GMT /news/2023-01-27/the-governor-ron-desantis-administration-announced-steps-to-take-to-keep-law-and-order-in-florida Tess Riski | The Miami Herald Some lawmakers hope to crack down on drag shows watched by children /news/2022-06-16/some-lawmakers-hope-to-crack-down-on-drag-shows-watched-by-children Republican legislators in Florida, Arizona, Texas and other states have proposed to ban minors from drag shows. Fri, 17 Jun 2022 14:15:46 GMT /news/2022-06-16/some-lawmakers-hope-to-crack-down-on-drag-shows-watched-by-children Mandalit del Barco We never got good at recycling plastic. Some states are trying a new approach /news/2022-05-27/we-never-got-good-at-recycling-plastic-some-states-are-trying-a-new-approach New York is the latest, and largest, state to consider charging product-makers to dispose of their packaging. But lawmakers are clashing over how much to involve industry in creating a new system. Fri, 27 May 2022 14:00:05 GMT /news/2022-05-27/we-never-got-good-at-recycling-plastic-some-states-are-trying-a-new-approach Matthew Schuerman Here Are The New Florida Laws That Will Take Effect July 1 /news/2021-06-29/here-are-the-new-florida-laws-that-will-take-effect-july-1 They include a requirement for out-of-state online retailers to collect sales taxes on purchases made by Floridians, and surveys to assess the “intellectual freedom and viewpoint diversity” at state colleges and universities. Tue, 29 Jun 2021 11:04:09 GMT /news/2021-06-29/here-are-the-new-florida-laws-that-will-take-effect-july-1 Jim Turner - News Service of Florida Bill To Combat Sexual Assault In Military Finally Has Votes To Pass, Senators Say /news/2021-05-06/bill-to-combat-sexual-assault-in-military-finally-has-votes-to-pass-senators-say The bill, long-championed by New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, would dramatically reshape how the military addresses assault cases by removing them from the chain of command. Thu, 06 May 2021 10:37:32 GMT /news/2021-05-06/bill-to-combat-sexual-assault-in-military-finally-has-votes-to-pass-senators-say Claudia Grisales In Rare Moment Of Bipartisan Unity, Senate Approves Asian American Hate Crimes Bill /2021-04-22/in-rare-moment-of-bipartisan-unity-senate-approves-asian-american-hate-crimes-bill The Senate passed new legislation to address a spike in hate crimes and violence targeted at the Asian American and Pacific Islander community. Josh Hawley was the only senator to vote against it. Thu, 22 Apr 2021 18:18:00 GMT /2021-04-22/in-rare-moment-of-bipartisan-unity-senate-approves-asian-american-hate-crimes-bill Claudia Grisales 'Right to Farm Act' Expansion Would Give Sugar Industry 'Immunity Shield' From Lawsuits, Says State Rep. /news/2021-04-16/right-to-farm-act-expansion-would-give-sugar-industry-immunity-shield-from-lawsuits-says-state-rep Democratic state Rep. Omari Hardy, who represents north Palm Beach County along the coast, says the particle emissions added in the proposed expansion of the "Right to Farm Act" will negatively impact marginalized communities. Fri, 16 Apr 2021 10:00:40 GMT /news/2021-04-16/right-to-farm-act-expansion-would-give-sugar-industry-immunity-shield-from-lawsuits-says-state-rep Wilkine Brutus Bill Requiring Universities To Survey Students On Intellectual Freedom Passes First Stop /local-news/2021-01-27/bill-requiring-universities-to-survey-students-on-intellectual-freedom-passes-first-stop Legislation that would survey university students on whether competing ideas and perspectives are presented and welcomed on campus passed its first committee stop today. Sen. Ray Rodrigues (R-Fort Myers) says the bill is needed to ensure students are hearing competing viewpoints. Wed, 27 Jan 2021 11:55:16 GMT /local-news/2021-01-27/bill-requiring-universities-to-survey-students-on-intellectual-freedom-passes-first-stop Blaise Gainey From Coconut Patties To Guns, Lawmakers Ready For Session /2020-01-12/from-coconut-patties-to-guns-lawmakers-ready-for-session The 60-day Florida legislative session that begins Tuesday will have lawmakers considering everything from coconut patties to a state budget expected to... Sun, 12 Jan 2020 12:28:38 GMT /2020-01-12/from-coconut-patties-to-guns-lawmakers-ready-for-session Associated Press, Associated Press