Latin American left /tags/latin-american-left Latin American left en-US WLRN Fri, 06 Sep 2024 10:00:00 GMT Is Venezuela changing how the left responds to the dictatorial left? /americas/2024-09-06/global-left-venezuela-response-brazil-chile The worldwide left has long been prone to apologize for Latin America's authoritarian leftist regimes — but a younger generation's response to socialist Venezuela's electoral fraud is challenging that impulse. Fri, 06 Sep 2024 10:00:00 GMT /americas/2024-09-06/global-left-venezuela-response-brazil-chile Tim Padgett Chileans didn't 'revive' Pinochet in 2022. They rejected what helped trigger him in 1973 /commentary/2022-09-07/chileans-did-not-revive-pinochet-in-2022-they-killed-what-helped-trigger-him-in-1973 COMMENTARY The vote to retain Chile's Pinochet-era constitution wasn't a vote to retain Pinochet. It was a vote to block the leftist overreach Pinochet exploited. Thu, 08 Sep 2022 10:00:20 GMT /commentary/2022-09-07/chileans-did-not-revive-pinochet-in-2022-they-killed-what-helped-trigger-him-in-1973 Tim Padgett Why Chileans rejected their new constitution — even after they'd hollered for one /news/2022-09-06/why-chileans-rejected-their-new-constitution-even-after-theyd-hollered-for-one Two years ago, Chileans called — loudly — for a new, more progressive charter. But on Sunday they punted it — and issued Latin America's radical left a warning, too. Tue, 06 Sep 2022 10:00:00 GMT /news/2022-09-06/why-chileans-rejected-their-new-constitution-even-after-theyd-hollered-for-one Tim Padgett, Christine DiMattei Oh, AMLO. The Summit of the Americas is a warning to the buyers of Radio Mambí /commentary/2022-06-08/why-does-the-summit-of-the-americas-evoke-the-sale-of-radio-mambi-amlo COMMENTARY The Mexican president's petulance is a reminder that Mambí's new owners can't afford to make a Spanish-language Fox a Spanish-language MSNBC. Wed, 08 Jun 2022 09:55:00 GMT /commentary/2022-06-08/why-does-the-summit-of-the-americas-evoke-the-sale-of-radio-mambi-amlo Tim Padgett Will Colombia's Petro build "reservoirs of credibility" — or pull the rug from his cause? /commentary/2022-04-28/will-colombias-petro-build-reservoirs-of-credibility-or-pull-the-rug-from-his-cause COMMENTARY Even if Gustavo Petro wins Colombia's presidential race, Chile is a reminder that his leftist hubris could derail him — and his country's peace plan. Thu, 28 Apr 2022 10:00:00 GMT /commentary/2022-04-28/will-colombias-petro-build-reservoirs-of-credibility-or-pull-the-rug-from-his-cause Tim Padgett Anti-Semitism on Latin America's left is vile — but it doesn't make America's left 'anti-Jew' /commentary/2022-01-20/anti-semitism-on-latin-americas-left-is-vile-but-it-doesnt-make-americas-left-anti-jew COMMENTARY: The Latin left's bromance with an Iranian accused of bombing a Jewish center helps U.S. conservatives' efforts to paint liberals as anti-Semitic. Thu, 20 Jan 2022 11:00:00 GMT /commentary/2022-01-20/anti-semitism-on-latin-americas-left-is-vile-but-it-doesnt-make-americas-left-anti-jew Tim Padgett Leftists Keep Arising in Latin America Because Conservatives Are Just Dumb Enough /commentary/2021-05-20/leftists-keeps-arising-in-latin-america-because-conservatives-are-just-dumb-enough COMMENTARY Socialists, a communist, a former guerrilla are presidential front-runners in South America thanks to conservative negligence and folly. Thu, 20 May 2021 13:36:08 GMT /commentary/2021-05-20/leftists-keeps-arising-in-latin-america-because-conservatives-are-just-dumb-enough Tim Padgett