hospitals /tags/hospitals hospitals en-US WLRN Tue, 02 Jul 2024 19:50:37 GMT With owner in bankruptcy, union says Palmetto General staff struggles with patient needs /health/2024-07-02/steward-palmetto-general-hospital-bankruptcy Union officials say workers at Palmetto General Hospital — which is managed by Steward Health Care — are struggling with broken elevators, late overtime checks, and staffing shortages. In May, Steward declared bankruptcy. Tue, 02 Jul 2024 19:50:37 GMT /health/2024-07-02/steward-palmetto-general-hospital-bankruptcy Anita Li A bill to designate 'rural emergency hospitals' is sent to DeSantis /health/2024-05-22/a-bill-to-designate-rural-emergency-hospitals-is-sent-to-desantis The measure stems from a federal law that allowed the designation of rural emergency hospitals and made them eligible for Medicare payments. Wed, 22 May 2024 18:15:00 GMT /health/2024-05-22/a-bill-to-designate-rural-emergency-hospitals-is-sent-to-desantis News Service of Florida Hospital operator files for bankruptcy, impacting South Florida facilities /health/2024-05-06/steward-healthcare-hospital-operator-bankruptcy-south-florida-facilities Dallas-based Steward Health Care filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas. Among its hospitals: four in Miami-Dade County and one in Broward County. Mon, 06 May 2024 19:28:41 GMT /health/2024-05-06/steward-healthcare-hospital-operator-bankruptcy-south-florida-facilities Jim Saunders / News Service of Florida Dashboard on hospital costs by undocumented immigrants prompts questions, criticism /health/2024-04-09/dashboard-on-hospital-costs-by-undocumented-immigrants-prompts-questions-criticism Florida's new dashboard has information on undocumented people using Florida's Medicaid-receiving hospitals, but policy experts point to inconsistencies in the dashboard's reporting. Tue, 09 Apr 2024 14:38:06 GMT /health/2024-04-09/dashboard-on-hospital-costs-by-undocumented-immigrants-prompts-questions-criticism Joe Mario Pedersen Report finds that 86% of rural Florida hospitals no longer deliver babies /health/2024-02-27/rural-florida-hospitals-delivery-babies Many hospitals are shuttering their obstetrics units because insurance and Medicaid aren't reimbursing enough to cover the cost of births, the report notes. Tue, 27 Feb 2024 15:06:07 GMT /health/2024-02-27/rural-florida-hospitals-delivery-babies Rick Mayer Aid group shutters hospital in Haiti amid spike in violence /caribbean/2023-03-09/aid-group-shutters-hospital-in-haiti-amid-spike-in-violence Doctors Without Borders says it has been forced to temporarily close its hospital in Cite Soleil given a sharp rise in gang violence that has left dozens dead in recent weeks. Thu, 09 Mar 2023 14:30:00 GMT /caribbean/2023-03-09/aid-group-shutters-hospital-in-haiti-amid-spike-in-violence Associated Press Hospitals’ use of volunteer staff runs risk of skirting labor laws, experts say /health/2023-01-12/hospitals-use-of-volunteer-staff-runs-risk-of-skirting-labor-laws-experts-say Hospitals using volunteers is commonplace. But some labor experts argue that deploying unpaid workers to do tasks that benefits the bottom line lets for-profit facilities skirt federal laws, deprives employees of work, and potentially exploits the volunteers. Thu, 12 Jan 2023 19:00:00 GMT /health/2023-01-12/hospitals-use-of-volunteer-staff-runs-risk-of-skirting-labor-laws-experts-say Lauren Sausser - Kaiser Health News In Florida, 'health freedom' activists exert influence over a major hospital /health/2022-12-21/in-florida-health-freedom-activists-exert-influence-over-a-major-hospital Earlier this year, three activists who are opposed to COVID vaccines and standard treatment protocols for the illness were elected to the board of Sarasota Memorial Hospital. Wed, 21 Dec 2022 21:53:52 GMT /health/2022-12-21/in-florida-health-freedom-activists-exert-influence-over-a-major-hospital Zach Hirsch How banks and hospitals are cashing in when patients can't pay for health care /health/npr-breaking-news/2022-11-17/how-banks-and-hospitals-are-cashing-in-when-patients-cant-pay-for-health-care Some credit cards advertised by hospitals lure in patients with rosy promises of convenient, low-interest payments on big bills. But interest rates soar if you can't quickly pay off the loan. Thu, 17 Nov 2022 15:00:00 GMT /health/npr-breaking-news/2022-11-17/how-banks-and-hospitals-are-cashing-in-when-patients-cant-pay-for-health-care Noam Levey, Aneri Pattani Patient satisfaction surveys fail to track how well hospitals treat people of color /news/2022-09-08/patient-satisfaction-surveys-fail-to-track-how-well-hospitals-treat-people-of-color The health care industry is obsessed with consumer satisfaction. But national patient surveys still don't get at an important question: Are hospitals delivering culturally competent care? Thu, 08 Sep 2022 13:00:00 GMT /news/2022-09-08/patient-satisfaction-surveys-fail-to-track-how-well-hospitals-treat-people-of-color Rae Ellen Bichell