heart disease /tags/heart-disease heart disease en-US WLRN Tue, 12 Oct 2021 19:24:24 GMT Taking aspirin to prevent heart attack may cause more harm than good, task force says /news/2021-10-12/taking-aspirin-to-prevent-heart-attack-may-cause-more-harm-than-good-task-force-says An influential health guidelines group says the bleeding risks for adults 60 and up who haven't had a heart attack or stroke outweigh any potential benefits from taking aspirin. Tue, 12 Oct 2021 19:24:24 GMT /news/2021-10-12/taking-aspirin-to-prevent-heart-attack-may-cause-more-harm-than-good-task-force-says The Associated Press Ready For Your First Marathon? Training Can Cut Years Off Your Cardiovascular Age /2020-01-12/ready-for-your-first-marathon-training-can-cut-years-off-your-cardiovascular-age More reasons to commit to a race: A new study shows that novice runners who take on a marathon significantly improved their heart health. We've got tips to get you started. Sun, 12 Jan 2020 12:00:00 GMT /2020-01-12/ready-for-your-first-marathon-training-can-cut-years-off-your-cardiovascular-age Allison Aubrey Working Americans Are Getting Less Sleep, Especially Those Who Save Our Lives /2019-10-28/working-americans-are-getting-less-sleep-especially-those-who-save-our-lives The number of workers getting less than seven hours of sleep a night is rising. Stress and our culture of constant connection may be to blame. Mon, 28 Oct 2019 09:04:00 GMT /2019-10-28/working-americans-are-getting-less-sleep-especially-those-who-save-our-lives Patti Neighmond Dog People Live Longer. But Why? /2019-10-26/dog-people-live-longer-but-why Hanging out with dogs might be good for your health. A researcher reviews the science and discusses the very real link between dog ownership and reduced risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. Sat, 26 Oct 2019 11:00:28 GMT /2019-10-26/dog-people-live-longer-but-why Angus Chen Study: Millions Should Stop Taking Aspirin For Heart Health /2019-07-23/study-millions-should-stop-taking-aspirin-for-heart-health Millions of people who take aspirin to prevent a heart attack may need to rethink the pill-popping, Harvard researchers reported Monday. Tue, 23 Jul 2019 12:38:23 GMT /2019-07-23/study-millions-should-stop-taking-aspirin-for-heart-health Lauran Neergaard/Associated Press Hidden Reports Masked The Scope Of Widespread Harm From Faulty Heart Device /2019-05-21/hidden-reports-masked-the-scope-of-widespread-harm-from-faulty-heart-device Faced with the possibility that a bout of abnormal heartbeats could end his life, in 2006, Dr. Marc Sicklick had a small device implanted in his chest... Tue, 21 May 2019 12:50:01 GMT /2019-05-21/hidden-reports-masked-the-scope-of-widespread-harm-from-faulty-heart-device Christina Jewett - Kaiser Health News Hearts Get 'Younger,' Even At Middle Age, With Exercise /2018-03-12/hearts-get-younger-even-at-middle-age-with-exercise As early as your mid-40s, especially if you're sedentary, your heart muscle can show signs of aging, losing its youthful elasticity and power. But moderately strenuous exercise can change that. Mon, 12 Mar 2018 09:00:00 GMT /2018-03-12/hearts-get-younger-even-at-middle-age-with-exercise Patti Neighmond Can Cooking Classes Keep Chronic Heart Failure Patients Out Of The Hospital? /2018-02-01/can-cooking-classes-keep-chronic-heart-failure-patients-out-of-the-hospital At Tulane Medical Center in New Orleans, researchers are teaching heart disease sufferers what makes a healthy meal — and how to cook one. The program will monitor how this affects readmission rates. Thu, 01 Feb 2018 15:00:20 GMT /2018-02-01/can-cooking-classes-keep-chronic-heart-failure-patients-out-of-the-hospital Lela Nargi Flu Virus Can Trigger A Heart Attack /2018-01-24/flu-virus-can-trigger-a-heart-attack The rate of hospitalizations due to influenza is continuing to rise. Now, a study finds the risk of having a heart attack also spikes in the days after a confirmed diagnosis of flu. Wed, 24 Jan 2018 22:02:00 GMT /2018-01-24/flu-virus-can-trigger-a-heart-attack Allison Aubrey What Do Asthma, Heart Disease And Cancer Have In Common? Maybe Childhood Trauma /npr-breaking-news/2018-01-23/what-do-asthma-heart-disease-and-cancer-have-in-common-maybe-childhood-trauma Toxic stress in childhood can lead to a lifetime of health problems and, ultimately, a shorter life. Here's what schools can do to help. Tue, 23 Jan 2018 11:03:00 GMT /npr-breaking-news/2018-01-23/what-do-asthma-heart-disease-and-cancer-have-in-common-maybe-childhood-trauma Cory Turner