"Havana Syndrome" /tags/havana-syndrome "Havana Syndrome" en-US WLRN Mon, 18 Mar 2024 14:00:05 GMT In Havana syndrome patients, NIH scientists find no physical trace of harm /npr-breaking-news/2024-03-18/in-havana-syndrome-patients-nih-scientists-find-no-physical-trace-of-harm The mysterious ailments that became known as Havana syndrome left no physical evidence of injury or disease, according to two government studies. Mon, 18 Mar 2024 14:00:05 GMT /npr-breaking-news/2024-03-18/in-havana-syndrome-patients-nih-scientists-find-no-physical-trace-of-harm Jon Hamilton Could the U.S.'s 'Havana Syndrome' report thaw relations with Cuba? It's unlikely /latin-america/2023-03-03/could-the-u-s-havana-syndrome-report-thaw-relations-with-cuba-its-unlikely U.S. intelligence said the mysterious illnesses in Havana don't look to be part of an attack. But rhetoric since hints it won't improve U.S.-Cuba relations much. Fri, 03 Mar 2023 23:04:09 GMT /latin-america/2023-03-03/could-the-u-s-havana-syndrome-report-thaw-relations-with-cuba-its-unlikely Tim Padgett U.S. Intelligence: foreign rivals didn't cause Havana Syndrome /npr-breaking-news/npr-breaking-news/2023-03-01/u-s-intelligence-foreign-rivals-didnt-cause-havana-syndrome The U.S. intelligence community concludes it's "very unlikely" a foreign country is responsible for the so-called Havana Syndrome ailments involving U.S. officials working abroad. Wed, 01 Mar 2023 20:30:00 GMT /npr-breaking-news/npr-breaking-news/2023-03-01/u-s-intelligence-foreign-rivals-didnt-cause-havana-syndrome Greg Myre CIA report: No evidence linking Havana syndrome to a foreign country /2022-01-20/cia-report-no-evidence-linking-havana-syndrome-to-a-foreign-country The interim report says many cases have now been attributed to previously undiagnosed illnesses. But "a couple dozen" cases remain unresolved and are still under investigation. Thu, 20 Jan 2022 14:53:49 GMT /2022-01-20/cia-report-no-evidence-linking-havana-syndrome-to-a-foreign-country Greg Myre Long before Havana Syndrome, the U.S. reported microwaves beamed at an embassy /news/npr-breaking-news/2021-10-21/long-before-havana-syndrome-the-u-s-reported-microwaves-beamed-at-an-embassy In the 1970s and '80s, U.S. officials routinely referred to the Soviet use of microwave radiation against the American Embassy in Moscow. The Soviets were believed to be seeking intelligence. Thu, 21 Oct 2021 09:04:00 GMT /news/npr-breaking-news/2021-10-21/long-before-havana-syndrome-the-u-s-reported-microwaves-beamed-at-an-embassy Greg Myre CIA Director Says He Is Escalating Efforts To Solve 'Havana Syndrome' Mystery /2021-07-22/cia-director-says-he-is-escalating-efforts-to-solve-havana-syndrome-mystery In an NPR interview, William Burns says he has appointed a senior officer who led the hunt for Osama bin Laden to head the investigation into ailments that has afflicted U.S. officials worldwide. Thu, 22 Jul 2021 18:56:00 GMT /2021-07-22/cia-director-says-he-is-escalating-efforts-to-solve-havana-syndrome-mystery Becky Sullivan, Mary Louise Kelly, Greg Myre Senate OKs Bill That Would Provide Aid For Mysterious 'Havana Syndrome' Injuries /news/2021-06-08/senate-oks-bill-that-would-provide-aid-for-mysterious-havana-syndrome-injuries The symptoms, which include vertigo and memory loss, first affected American officials stationed in Cuba in 2016. Tue, 08 Jun 2021 11:09:06 GMT /news/2021-06-08/senate-oks-bill-that-would-provide-aid-for-mysterious-havana-syndrome-injuries Alana Wise