Haiti school collapse /tags/haiti-school-collapse Haiti school collapse en-US WLRN Thu, 09 Jan 2020 01:57:27 GMT To Rebuild From Its Disastrous Earthquake, Haiti Has To Rebuild Its Disastrous Governance /news/2020-01-08/to-rebuild-from-its-disastrous-earthquake-haiti-has-to-rebuild-its-disastrous-governance COMMENTARY This Sunday marks the 10th anniversary of the apocalyptic 2010 earthquake that destroyed much of Haiti and killed as many as 200,000 people.… Thu, 09 Jan 2020 01:57:27 GMT /news/2020-01-08/to-rebuild-from-its-disastrous-earthquake-haiti-has-to-rebuild-its-disastrous-governance Tim Padgett