gun safety /tags/gun-safety gun safety en-US WLRN Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:00:00 GMT ATF director touts rule cracking down on 'ghost guns' while in Florida /florida-news/2023-08-21/atf-director-touts-rule-cracking-down-on-ghost-guns-while-in-florida The U.S. Supreme Court allowed the ATF to continue enforcing regulation of “ghost guns” while a legal challenge continues. Mon, 21 Aug 2023 19:00:00 GMT /florida-news/2023-08-21/atf-director-touts-rule-cracking-down-on-ghost-guns-while-in-florida Stephanie Colombini House backs measure to lower gun-buying age, reversing change after Parkland school shooting /government-politics/2023-05-01/house-backs-measure-to-lower-gun-buying-age-reversing-change-after-parkland-school-shooting State Rep. Christine Hunschofsky, the mayor of Parkland at the time of the shooting, pleaded with her colleagues to keep the age restriction in place. Mon, 01 May 2023 12:00:00 GMT /government-politics/2023-05-01/house-backs-measure-to-lower-gun-buying-age-reversing-change-after-parkland-school-shooting News Service of Florida A record 6,542 guns — 18 a day — were intercepted at U.S. airport security in 2022 /npr-breaking-news/npr-breaking-news/2023-02-20/a-record-6-542-guns-18-a-day-were-intercepted-at-u-s-airport-security-in-2022 With the exception of pandemic-disrupted 2020, the number of weapons intercepted at U.S. airport checkpoints has climbed every year since 2010. Mon, 20 Feb 2023 06:24:45 GMT /npr-breaking-news/npr-breaking-news/2023-02-20/a-record-6-542-guns-18-a-day-were-intercepted-at-u-s-airport-security-in-2022 The Associated Press 6 major takeaways from the ATF's first report in 20 years on U.S. gun crime /law/2023-02-10/6-major-takeaways-from-the-atfs-first-report-in-20-years-on-u-s-gun-crime The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives released a major report that details how stolen guns and emerging technology like "ghost guns" play a factor in gun violence in the U.S. Fri, 10 Feb 2023 20:00:00 GMT /law/2023-02-10/6-major-takeaways-from-the-atfs-first-report-in-20-years-on-u-s-gun-crime Jaclyn Diaz 2A backers call a Republican plan to allow permitless concealed carry a bait-and-switch /politics/2023-02-08/2a-backers-call-a-republican-plan-to-allow-permitless-concealed-carry-a-bait-and-switch Some Florida gun owners and their respective organizations feel betrayed by the state’s Republican majority. They believe Gov. Ron DeSantis promised them a far broader expansion on the state’s gun carry laws than what’s currently under consideration. Wed, 08 Feb 2023 12:30:00 GMT /politics/2023-02-08/2a-backers-call-a-republican-plan-to-allow-permitless-concealed-carry-a-bait-and-switch Lynn Hatter A gun bill approved amid crossfire /law/2023-02-08/a-gun-bill-approved-amid-crossfire A proposal that would allow Floridians to carry concealed firearms without licenses began moving through the state House, as a debate emerged about whether the bill lives up to the “constitutional carry” label given by supporters. Wed, 08 Feb 2023 11:48:17 GMT /law/2023-02-08/a-gun-bill-approved-amid-crossfire Ryan Dailey | News Service of Florida Florida requires safety training to carry a gun. That's set to change /state/2023-02-07/florida-requires-safety-training-to-carry-a-gun-thats-set-to-change House Speaker Paul Renner unveiled a "constitutional carry" bill last week that would allow people to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. Tue, 07 Feb 2023 14:30:00 GMT /state/2023-02-07/florida-requires-safety-training-to-carry-a-gun-thats-set-to-change Valerie Crowder Sen. Lauren Book begins term leading outnumbered Democrats /local-news/2022-11-22/sen-lauren-book-begins-term-leading-outnumbered-democrats Badly outnumbered Democrats in the Florida Senate put a focus Monday on gun-related issues as Senate Minority Leader Lauren Book was formally designated to continue heading the caucus going into the 2023 legislative session. Tue, 22 Nov 2022 14:00:00 GMT /local-news/2022-11-22/sen-lauren-book-begins-term-leading-outnumbered-democrats Ryan Dailey A new credit card code is a first step toward preventing gun violence, advocates say /news/2022-09-15/a-new-credit-card-code-is-a-first-step-toward-preventing-gun-violence-advocates-say A new "merchant code" for credit cards will categorize purchases made at gun stores. But there are limitations on its usefulness — including that most guns in the U.S. aren't bought at such outlets. Thu, 15 Sep 2022 18:17:00 GMT /news/2022-09-15/a-new-credit-card-code-is-a-first-step-toward-preventing-gun-violence-advocates-say Becky Sullivan Florida 'red-flag' law eyed amid gun debate /news/2022-06-06/florida-red-flag-law-eyed-amid-gun-debate As a national debate rages over gun laws after last month’s mass shooting at a Texas elementary school, proponents of “red-flag” policies point to a Florida law as a model for states seeking to strip deadly weapons from people who could cause harm. Mon, 06 Jun 2022 11:18:04 GMT /news/2022-06-06/florida-red-flag-law-eyed-amid-gun-debate Dara Kam | News Service Florida