girls /tags/girls girls en-US WLRN Thu, 17 Mar 2022 14:09:32 GMT The bat mitzvah turns 100. It marks more than a coming-of-age for Jewish girls /news/npr-breaking-news/2022-03-17/the-bat-mitzvah-turns-100-it-marks-more-than-a-coming-of-age-for-jewish-girls Since girls in the U.S. began having the public ceremony 100 years ago, more and more women have taken on a larger role in Jewish life, including becoming rabbis. Thu, 17 Mar 2022 14:09:32 GMT /news/npr-breaking-news/2022-03-17/the-bat-mitzvah-turns-100-it-marks-more-than-a-coming-of-age-for-jewish-girls Deena Prichep 'I Earned This': One Girl's Journey To Becoming An Eagle Scout /news/2021-03-30/she-just-wanted-it-one-girls-journey-to-becoming-an-eagle-scout Scarlett Helmecki, the first girl in Delaware to achieve the rank, accepted the Eagle Scout challenge two years after joining an all-girl BSA troop. Tue, 30 Mar 2021 10:27:44 GMT /news/2021-03-30/she-just-wanted-it-one-girls-journey-to-becoming-an-eagle-scout Sophia Schmidt Imagining — Yet Again — A New Disney Heroine /2018-03-18/imagining-yet-again-a-new-disney-heroine For decades, Disney has been criticized for its passive, love-struck heroines. Do the women in Black Pantherand A Wrinkle In Timefinally signal real change? Sun, 18 Mar 2018 10:00:11 GMT /2018-03-18/imagining-yet-again-a-new-disney-heroine Christabel Nsiah-Buadi Once Shot For Advocating For Girls' Education, Malala Is Going To Oxford /2017-08-17/once-shot-for-advocating-for-girls-education-malala-is-going-to-oxford The young Pakistani-born woman shot by the Taliban because she advocated for girls' education is now headed to Oxford. Malala Yousafzai is also the youngest-ever winner of the Nobel Peace Prize Thu, 17 Aug 2017 23:35:00 GMT /2017-08-17/once-shot-for-advocating-for-girls-education-malala-is-going-to-oxford John Ydstie Qiyaam Night Emphasizes 'Living with Purpose' For South Florida's Muslim Girls and Young Women /news/2017-06-11/qiyaam-night-emphasizes-living-with-purpose-for-south-floridas-muslim-girls-and-young-women As the holy month of Ramadan continues for Muslims around the world, more than 150 girls and young women gathered this weekend at the Islamic Center of… Mon, 12 Jun 2017 02:44:20 GMT /news/2017-06-11/qiyaam-night-emphasizes-living-with-purpose-for-south-floridas-muslim-girls-and-young-women Holly Pretsky 5 Stories To Read For International Day Of The Girl /2016-10-11/5-stories-to-read-for-international-day-of-the-girl The 1.1 billion girls of the world face many unique challenges, and education is high on the list. Tue, 11 Oct 2016 21:23:00 GMT /2016-10-11/5-stories-to-read-for-international-day-of-the-girl Kat Lonsdorf Principal Cancels Longstanding Girls' Powderpuff Football Game; Students Revolt /education/2016-04-29/principal-cancels-longstanding-girls-powderpuff-football-game-students-revolt What began as one principal’s decision to change a fundraising event from tackle to a flag football game has flared into a controversy over sexism and… Fri, 29 Apr 2016 20:49:46 GMT /education/2016-04-29/principal-cancels-longstanding-girls-powderpuff-football-game-students-revolt rowan moore gerety