florida school testing /tags/florida-school-testing florida school testing en-US WLRN Wed, 16 Mar 2022 15:52:09 GMT Florida drops FSA testing in favor of shorter exams throughout the year /news/2022-03-16/florida-drops-fsa-testing-in-favor-of-shorter-exams-throughout-the-year Florida will be the first state in the nation to fully transition its public schools to such progress monitoring. Governor Ron DeSantis said the change will allow teachers and parents to check in on students before the year is over. Wed, 16 Mar 2022 15:52:09 GMT /news/2022-03-16/florida-drops-fsa-testing-in-favor-of-shorter-exams-throughout-the-year Bailey LeFever Florida school assessment tests could be on the way out /news/2022-01-12/florida-school-assessment-tests-could-be-on-the-way-out A bill that would carry out Gov. Ron DeSantis’ plan to end the Florida Standards Assessments received unanimous approval Tuesday in its first Senate committee. Wed, 12 Jan 2022 15:26:00 GMT /news/2022-01-12/florida-school-assessment-tests-could-be-on-the-way-out News Service of Florida DeSantis touts education proposals that include replacing standardized testing /news/2021-11-10/desantis-touts-education-proposals-that-include-replacing-standardized-testing Proposals include replacing standardized testing, raising per-student spending, boosting minimum teacher salaries, and providing bonuses to teachers and principals. Wed, 10 Nov 2021 22:31:25 GMT /news/2021-11-10/desantis-touts-education-proposals-that-include-replacing-standardized-testing Ryan Dailey - News Service of Florida DeSantis’ Plan To Change Florida School Testing, ‘Anti-Riot’ Law Blocked, And 'The Woman Under The Tree' /2021-09-15/desantis-plan-to-change-florida-school-testing-anti-riot-law-blocked-and-the-woman-under-the-tree Governor Ron DeSantis has a proposal to end Florida’s current standardized testing program. A judge ruled against Florida's anti-riot Law. Is it enforceable anymore? Plus, a short film made in Miami tackles homelessness and mental health. Wed, 15 Sep 2021 22:10:56 GMT /2021-09-15/desantis-plan-to-change-florida-school-testing-anti-riot-law-blocked-and-the-woman-under-the-tree Leslie Ovalle Atkinson Florida Presses On With In-Person Standardized Testing, And Some Parents Are Concerned /local-news/2021-02-26/florida-presses-on-with-in-person-standardized-testing-and-some-parents-are-concerned A Polk County School Board member urges parents to research "opting out" this year, as a petition to waive the tests garners more than 14,000 signatures. Fri, 26 Feb 2021 14:18:07 GMT /local-news/2021-02-26/florida-presses-on-with-in-person-standardized-testing-and-some-parents-are-concerned Kerry Sheridan Florida Students Fail AP Exams, Urban Land Institute Housing Event & Miami Comedian Aida Rodriguez /show/sundial/2020-02-26/florida-students-fail-ap-exams-urban-land-institute-housing-event-miami-comedian-aida-rodriguez On this Wednesday, Feb. 26, episode of Sundial:Florida Students Fail AP ExamsA recent look at AP exam scores by the Florida Phoenix found that in 2019,… Wed, 26 Feb 2020 20:18:43 GMT /show/sundial/2020-02-26/florida-students-fail-ap-exams-urban-land-institute-housing-event-miami-comedian-aida-rodriguez Florida Students See Drops In Reading Scores, While Miami-Dade Outperforms Rest Of State /education/2019-10-30/florida-students-see-drops-in-reading-scores-while-miami-dade-outperforms-rest-of-state This story was last updated on Wednesday, Oct. 30 at 11:26 a.mMiami-Dade County Public Schools students performed at the same level or better than their… Wed, 30 Oct 2019 05:00:00 GMT /education/2019-10-30/florida-students-see-drops-in-reading-scores-while-miami-dade-outperforms-rest-of-state Jessica Bakeman Florida’s Education Department Seeks Input For New Testing Standards /2019-04-08/floridas-education-department-seeks-input-for-new-testing-standards The state is taking public input on new testing standards for Florida K-12 schools, as the Florida Department of Education works to overhaul Common Core... Mon, 08 Apr 2019 21:14:34 GMT /2019-04-08/floridas-education-department-seeks-input-for-new-testing-standards Abukar Adan Traumatized Parkland underclassmen plead with Gov. Scott for break from standardized tests /news/2018-05-03/traumatized-parkland-underclassmen-plead-with-gov-scott-for-break-from-standardized-tests To grant relief to a community still reeling from a school shooting that left 17 dead, Gov. Rick Scott signed a sweeping education bill exempting Marjory… Thu, 03 May 2018 17:07:08 GMT /news/2018-05-03/traumatized-parkland-underclassmen-plead-with-gov-scott-for-break-from-standardized-tests COLLEEN WRIGHT After Rough Start, Flores' Testing Bill Gets Moving In The Senate...With Changes /2017-04-03/after-rough-start-flores-testing-bill-gets-moving-in-the-senate-with-changes After a rough start, a Florida Senate education panel has managed to move a major testing bill forward. The proposal is a mix of two separate testing... Mon, 03 Apr 2017 20:55:12 GMT /2017-04-03/after-rough-start-flores-testing-bill-gets-moving-in-the-senate-with-changes Lynn Hatter