florida reef /tags/florida-reef florida reef en-US WLRN Mon, 14 Aug 2023 13:50:17 GMT High ocean temperatures are harming the Florida coral reef. Rescue crews are racing to help /environment/2023-08-14/florida-coral-reef-recue-high-ocean-temperatures In a race against time, multiple organizations are working to save the reef that runs along the Florida Keys during a heat wave that has already led to historic coral bleaching. Mon, 14 Aug 2023 13:50:17 GMT /environment/2023-08-14/florida-coral-reef-recue-high-ocean-temperatures Associated Press Florida's 350-mile long reef tract is now shrinking faster than it's growing /environment/2022-12-08/floridas-350-mile-long-reef-tract-is-now-shrinking-faster-than-its-growing The model created by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration found that 70% of Florida's 350-mile long reef tract is eroding faster than it's growing. Thu, 08 Dec 2022 21:15:43 GMT /environment/2022-12-08/floridas-350-mile-long-reef-tract-is-now-shrinking-faster-than-its-growing Jenny Staletovich After thousands of years of near stability, Florida reefs are now shrinking /news/2022-08-12/after-thousands-of-years-of-near-stability-florida-reefs-are-now-shrinking A new study from the U.S. Geological Survey found that reefs in the Florida Keys are now eroding faster than they're growing. Fri, 12 Aug 2022 21:15:28 GMT /news/2022-08-12/after-thousands-of-years-of-near-stability-florida-reefs-are-now-shrinking Jenny Staletovich Port Everglades Kicks Off Expansion. Critics Worry Coral Could Be Damaged /environment/2020-02-19/port-everglades-kicks-off-expansion-critics-worry-coral-could-be-damaged Port Everglades and local elected officials marked the first step in a $437 million expansion to make way for expected massive new cargo ships with a… Wed, 19 Feb 2020 17:54:12 GMT /environment/2020-02-19/port-everglades-kicks-off-expansion-critics-worry-coral-could-be-damaged Jenny Staletovich Grant Helps Researchers Studying Toxin Stalking Florida Reef Fish /2016-12-19/grant-helps-researchers-studying-toxin-stalking-florida-reef-fish An international team of researchers headed by a Florida Gulf Coast University professor is trying to understand the most common marine toxin in the... Mon, 19 Dec 2016 21:01:41 GMT /2016-12-19/grant-helps-researchers-studying-toxin-stalking-florida-reef-fish Matthew F Smith