Florida history /tags/florida-history Florida history en-US WLRN Tue, 29 Aug 2023 15:52:32 GMT Building to beat the heat: Going back to South Florida's past for cooler home designs /environment/2023-08-29/south-florida-heat-building-cooler-homes Cool building designs can keep people more comfortable during record-breaking summer heatwaves. But they also promise to reduce the amount of electricity homes use for air conditioning while also reducing the carbon emissions that are raising global temperatures. Tue, 29 Aug 2023 15:52:32 GMT /environment/2023-08-29/south-florida-heat-building-cooler-homes Nicolas Rivero South Florida Girl Scouts proudly wear 100 years as badge of honor /arts-culture/2023-03-31/south-florida-girl-scouts-proudly-wear-100-years-as-badge-of-honor This year marks the centennial anniversary of the Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida. To celebrate the occasion, a new exhibit at the HistoryMiami Museum showcases 100 years of what it means to be a girl scout in South Florida. Fri, 31 Mar 2023 11:00:00 GMT /arts-culture/2023-03-31/south-florida-girl-scouts-proudly-wear-100-years-as-badge-of-honor Alyssa Ramos Is Key West's Mallory Square named for a Confederate leader? A local historian found the answer /news/2023-02-13/is-key-wests-mallory-square-named-for-a-confederate-leader-a-local-historian-found-the-answer Mallory Square is Key West's famous tourist spot for watching the sunset. The lead Florida Keys historian for the Monroe County Public Library system said it's not named for Stephen Mallory who was secretary of the Confederate Navy. Mon, 13 Feb 2023 14:00:00 GMT /news/2023-02-13/is-key-wests-mallory-square-named-for-a-confederate-leader-a-local-historian-found-the-answer Gwen Filosa Miami museum set to return over 100 remains from indigenous burial sites to Seminole Tribe /local-news/2023-01-27/miami-museum-set-to-return-over-100-remains-from-indigenous-burial-sites-to-seminole-tribe HistoryMiami museum has remains and funerary artifacts from 132 Tequesta and Calusa tribe individuals. Those tribes are considered extinct, but the Seminole Tribe of Florida has long claimed to be their descendants - now the items are finally in the process of being returned to them under a 1990 federal law. Fri, 27 Jan 2023 15:52:45 GMT /local-news/2023-01-27/miami-museum-set-to-return-over-100-remains-from-indigenous-burial-sites-to-seminole-tribe Joshua Ceballos This is the wild and opulent history of Mar-a-Lago, long before Trump and the FBI /news/2022-09-08/this-is-the-wild-and-opulent-history-of-mar-a-lago-long-before-trump-and-the-fbi Before Mar-a-Lago housed government documents, the opulent mansion had a rich and lively history. And it all begins with a wealthy heiress. Thu, 08 Sep 2022 15:00:00 GMT /news/2022-09-08/this-is-the-wild-and-opulent-history-of-mar-a-lago-long-before-trump-and-the-fbi Erika Ryan Historic white, Black cemeteries only blocks apart in Panama City tell very different stories /news/2022-06-12/historic-white-black-cemeteries-only-blocks-apart-in-panama-city-tell-very-different-stories The Balboa Cemetery or the Panama City Colored Cemetery, is one of many abandoned African American cemeteries that have recently been discovered throughout Florida. Sun, 12 Jun 2022 12:00:00 GMT /news/2022-06-12/historic-white-black-cemeteries-only-blocks-apart-in-panama-city-tell-very-different-stories Amy Galo - Fresh Take Florida Democratic Sen. Gary Farmer, Florida’s rejected math textbooks, Islandia Journal /2022-05-03/democratic-sen-gary-farmer-floridas-rejected-math-textbooks-islandia-journal Democratic State Sen. Gary Farmer talks about his own party’s current shortcomings. A Florida educator who teaches future teachers has something to say about the state’s education policies. Plus, we talk with the publisher of Islandia Journal about extinct species and hidden Florida history. Tue, 03 May 2022 21:30:40 GMT /2022-05-03/democratic-sen-gary-farmer-floridas-rejected-math-textbooks-islandia-journal Leslie Ovalle Atkinson, Caitie Muñoz Where did the time (capsule) go? Key West learns some of its history is missing /news/2022-03-25/where-did-the-time-capsule-go-key-west-learns-some-of-its-history-is-missing Key West will celebrate its bicentennial with a time capsule. But locals are learning that an earlier capsule marking the island's 150th anniversary is AWOL. Fri, 25 Mar 2022 10:21:00 GMT /news/2022-03-25/where-did-the-time-capsule-go-key-west-learns-some-of-its-history-is-missing Nancy Klingener Logbook documenting first official U.S. visit to Key West returns to the island after 200 years /news/2022-03-23/logbook-documenting-first-official-u-s-visit-to-key-west-returns-to-the-island-after-200-years The crew from the USS Shark raised the American flag over Key West for the first time on March 25, 1822. Now the ship's logbook is part of local historic archives. Wed, 23 Mar 2022 11:00:00 GMT /news/2022-03-23/logbook-documenting-first-official-u-s-visit-to-key-west-returns-to-the-island-after-200-years Nancy Klingener Almost a century later, remnants of the Overseas Railroad are still an integral part of the Keys /news/2022-03-14/almost-a-century-later-remnants-of-the-overseas-railroad-are-still-an-integral-part-of-the-keys The Overseas Railroad that ran through the Keys was wiped out by the Labor Day Hurricane in 1935. But remnants remain. One of the last mile markers is being restored and will soon be on public display. Mon, 14 Mar 2022 16:02:00 GMT /news/2022-03-14/almost-a-century-later-remnants-of-the-overseas-railroad-are-still-an-integral-part-of-the-keys Nancy Klingener