Florida Board of Education /tags/florida-board-of-education Florida Board of Education en-US WLRN Thu, 14 Sep 2023 18:00:00 GMT Florida temporarily suspends political ideology surveys for state colleges, universities /education/2023-09-14/florida-temporarily-suspends-political-ideology-surveys-for-state-colleges-universities After only one year, Florida has temporarily suspended a highly controversial, statewide survey required under a new state law compelling public colleges and universities annually to ask students and faculty to identify political bias in college classrooms. Thu, 14 Sep 2023 18:00:00 GMT /education/2023-09-14/florida-temporarily-suspends-political-ideology-surveys-for-state-colleges-universities Sandra McDonald/Fresh Take Florida Transgender students fear 'backlash' over the new college bathroom rule /education/2023-08-25/transgender-students-backlash-college-bathroom-rule The Florida Board of Education unanimously passed a new rule that creates a stiffer penalty for those who want to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity. Fri, 25 Aug 2023 13:56:39 GMT /education/2023-08-25/transgender-students-backlash-college-bathroom-rule Daylina Miller New College group alleges a Florida law 'censors' courses /education/2023-08-15/new-college-group-alleges-a-florida-law-censors-courses Alleging that numerous courses and topics will be prohibited or “severely curtailed” by a new state law, a group that opposes Gov. Ron DeSantis’ efforts to remake New College of Florida filed a federal lawsuit challenging the measure. Tue, 15 Aug 2023 14:21:14 GMT /education/2023-08-15/new-college-group-alleges-a-florida-law-censors-courses Ryan Dailey - News Service of Florida AP psychology gets green light, but South Florida schools remain cautious /education/2023-08-08/florida-ap-psychology-ban-education-course After a reversal from state officials over gender and sexual orientation modules, the course can be taught in public high schools. Monroe County will offer an adapted version of the course but Palm Beach County schools will not be implementing it, while Broward and Miami-Dade counties are still evaluating the situation. Tue, 08 Aug 2023 15:07:51 GMT /education/2023-08-08/florida-ap-psychology-ban-education-course Sherrilyn Cabrera, Alyssa Ramos DeSantis is defending new slavery teachings. Civil rights leaders see a pattern of 'policy violence' /government-politics/2023-07-27/desantis-slavery-teachings-civil-rights-leaders-see-a-pattern-of-policy-violence Civil rights activists cheered when Ron DeSantis pardoned four Black men wrongfully convicted of rape as one of his first actions as Florida’s new governor. But four years later, Black leaders decry what they call a pattern of “policy violence” against people of color imposed by the DeSantis administration. Thu, 27 Jul 2023 18:24:21 GMT /government-politics/2023-07-27/desantis-slavery-teachings-civil-rights-leaders-see-a-pattern-of-policy-violence Steve Peoples, Brendan Farrington and Kat Stafford | Associated Press In Jacksonville, Kamala Harris decries Florida's education standards as 'propaganda' /government-politics/2023-07-24/kamala-harris-florida-education-standards The vice president's last-minute visit came in response to Florida's controversial new rules on the teaching of Black history. Mon, 24 Jul 2023 19:30:17 GMT /government-politics/2023-07-24/kamala-harris-florida-education-standards Claire Heddles - Jacksonville Today Teaching gender identity or sexuality may cost certification under new Florida policy /education/2023-07-20/education-florida-gender-identity-sexuality-pronouns-certification The Florida Board of Education voted to approve new disciplinary policies for teachers who don’t comply with the expanded Parental Rights in Education law. Thu, 20 Jul 2023 16:40:48 GMT /education/2023-07-20/education-florida-gender-identity-sexuality-pronouns-certification Danielle Prieur New Florida Black history standards approved amid uproar over 'beneficial' slavery /education/2023-07-20/florida-black-history-education-beneficial-slavery The State Board of Education on Wednesday approved new academic standards for instruction about African American history, after numerous teachers from across Florida objected to the changes and asked the board to put the proposal on hold. Thu, 20 Jul 2023 13:47:41 GMT /education/2023-07-20/florida-black-history-education-beneficial-slavery Ryan Dailey/News Service of Florida Florida board passes DeSantis' expansion of 'Don't Say Gay' /education/2023-04-19/florida-board-passes-desantis-expansion-of-dont-say-gay The Florida Board of Education has approved a ban on classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in all grades. Wed, 19 Apr 2023 16:45:53 GMT /education/2023-04-19/florida-board-passes-desantis-expansion-of-dont-say-gay Anthony Izaguirre | the Associated Press State considers greater scrutiny of school library books, warns staff that 'violations' could be crimes /education/2023-01-18/state-considers-greater-scrutiny-of-school-library-books-warns-staff-that-violations-could-be-crimes The Florida Department of Education is warning district staff to "err on the side of caution" when choosing books for their school libraries. In new guidance up for a vote, librarians are warned to avoid books that contain “unsolicited theories that may lead to student indoctrination." Wed, 18 Jan 2023 11:00:00 GMT /education/2023-01-18/state-considers-greater-scrutiny-of-school-library-books-warns-staff-that-violations-could-be-crimes Kate Payne