fertilizer /tags/fertilizer fertilizer en-US WLRN Fri, 29 Dec 2023 13:00:00 GMT Fertilizer legislation, which impacts algae blooms, is likely to come for Florida's 2024 session /environment/2023-12-29/fertilizer-florida-2024-session Urban fertilizer application and agricultural fertilizer application are currently “being revised behind the scenes.” Fri, 29 Dec 2023 13:00:00 GMT /environment/2023-12-29/fertilizer-florida-2024-session Jessica Meszaros Producing power from cow poop: A Florida dairy aims to reduce climate impact of cattle /environment/2023-09-29/cows-dairy-climate-change-fertilizer-greenhouse-gases-florida An innovative process now in operation at the Larson Dairy farm just north of Lake Okeechobee helps reduce the climate impact of his dairy herd by capturing and cleaning methane locked in manure and sending it to a natural gas pipeline near the farm. Fri, 29 Sep 2023 20:57:33 GMT /environment/2023-09-29/cows-dairy-climate-change-fertilizer-greenhouse-gases-florida Ashley Miznazi | Miami Herald String of small fish kills along Florida Keys ring more hot water alarms. Is seagrass next? /environment/2023-08-03/string-of-small-fish-kills-along-florida-keys-ring-more-hot-water-alarms-is-seagrass-next-read-more-at-https-www-miamiherald-com-news-local-environment-climate-change-article277899378-html-storylink-cpy A month-long string of fish kills are affecting shallow waters that run the length of the island chain, from Key Largo to Key West. Researchers blame soaring sea surface temperatures off the southern coast of Florida that have at at time approached 100 degrees and are running some seven degrees above normal. Thu, 03 Aug 2023 19:52:59 GMT /environment/2023-08-03/string-of-small-fish-kills-along-florida-keys-ring-more-hot-water-alarms-is-seagrass-next-read-more-at-https-www-miamiherald-com-news-local-environment-climate-change-article277899378-html-storylink-cpy Alan Halaly The price of plenty: Seeding research /environment/2023-07-04/price-of-plenty-seeding-research-environment Critics warn against industry-driven environmental research agendas in Florida. Tue, 04 Jul 2023 14:04:11 GMT /environment/2023-07-04/price-of-plenty-seeding-research-environment Fernando Figueroa, Serra Sowers Lawmakers want to temporarily block new local fertilizer bans. Will DeSantis allow it? /environment/2023-05-18/lawmakers-want-to-temporarily-block-new-local-fertilizer-bans-will-desantis-allow-it Environmental groups and local governments are battling state legislators over the fate of the fertilizer in Floridians’ lawns.Scientists and environmental advocates say the extra nutrients in fertilizer runoff can smother sea grass, fuel algae blooms and wreak havoc on the environment. Thu, 18 May 2023 16:00:00 GMT /environment/2023-05-18/lawmakers-want-to-temporarily-block-new-local-fertilizer-bans-will-desantis-allow-it Nicolas Rivero Wildlife agency turning invasive water hyacinth into organic fertilizer /news/2022-04-19/wildlife-agency-turning-invasive-water-hyacinth-into-organic-fertilizer Right now there is a box-shaped, metal thing sliding along the surface of Lake Okeechobee. It’s called a boat, but it resembles an aluminum scooper that doesn’t look like it should float. It moves with paddlewheels and sports a pitchfork. The smelly, messy endeavor is the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission’s latest stab at ways to rid Lake Okeechobee of the invasive species. Tue, 19 Apr 2022 09:43:39 GMT /news/2022-04-19/wildlife-agency-turning-invasive-water-hyacinth-into-organic-fertilizer Tom Bayles