domestic abuse /tags/domestic-abuse domestic abuse en-US WLRN Fri, 03 Jun 2022 10:51:58 GMT The Depp verdict could bring a chilling effect for domestic abuse survivors /news/2022-06-03/the-depp-verdict-could-bring-a-chilling-effect-for-domestic-abuse-survivors The weeks-long trial lasted over a month and was broadcast live for millions to watch. Some advocates say the verdict could give even more pause for domestic violence survivors looking to speak out. Fri, 03 Jun 2022 10:51:58 GMT /news/2022-06-03/the-depp-verdict-could-bring-a-chilling-effect-for-domestic-abuse-survivors Andrew Limbong Depp is awarded more than $10M in defamation case against Heard and she gets $2M /news/2022-06-02/depp-is-awarded-more-than-10m-in-defamation-case-against-heard-and-she-gets-2m Johnny Depp had sued Amber Heard for more than $50 million over a 2018 op-ed she wrote about abuse against women. Because of a limit set by state law, Depp's award will be $10.35 million. Thu, 02 Jun 2022 10:40:13 GMT /news/2022-06-02/depp-is-awarded-more-than-10m-in-defamation-case-against-heard-and-she-gets-2m Bill Chappell, Jaclyn Diaz Jury hears recordings of Johnny Depp and ex-wife Amber Heard's volatile arguments /2022-04-20/jury-hears-recordings-of-johnny-depp-and-ex-wife-amber-heards-volatile-arguments Depp's attorneys on Tuesday sought to bolster his claims that the actress escalated their altercations, playing a series of audio recordings. Wed, 20 Apr 2022 14:00:00 GMT /2022-04-20/jury-hears-recordings-of-johnny-depp-and-ex-wife-amber-heards-volatile-arguments Ayana Archie, Bill Chappell, Vanessa Romo Senators announce a deal to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act /news/2022-02-10/senators-announce-a-deal-to-reauthorize-the-violence-against-women-act The bipartisan announcement comes after months of negotiations in the chamber. The legislation offers resources for victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence. Thu, 10 Feb 2022 11:53:06 GMT /news/2022-02-10/senators-announce-a-deal-to-reauthorize-the-violence-against-women-act Alana Wise Judge Seeks Answers in Florida Domestic Violence Agency Cases /news/2021-07-29/judge-seeks-answers-in-florida-domestic-violence-agency-cases With several lawsuits on hold amid mediation, a Leon County circuit judge wants an update on the status of negotiations in the state’s attempt to recoup millions of dollars paid to former leaders of the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Thu, 29 Jul 2021 13:11:21 GMT /news/2021-07-29/judge-seeks-answers-in-florida-domestic-violence-agency-cases The News Service of Florida Tourism And COVID-19, A Rise in Domestic Violence During The Pandemic, And 'Find Me In Havana' /2021-03-16/tourism-and-covid-19-a-rise-in-domestic-violence-during-the-pandemic-and-find-me-in-havana Is spring break bringing needed business to Florida's ravaged tourism economy? Plus, a rise in domestic violence cases during the pandemic. And the story of Cuban actress Estelita Rodriguez in the new book "Find Me in Havana." Tue, 16 Mar 2021 20:48:46 GMT /2021-03-16/tourism-and-covid-19-a-rise-in-domestic-violence-during-the-pandemic-and-find-me-in-havana Chris Remington, Suria Rimer Global Lockdowns Resulting In 'Horrifying Surge' In Domestic Violence, U.N. Warns /2020-04-06/global-lockdowns-resulting-in-horrifying-surge-in-domestic-violence-u-n-warns United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said that reported cases had doubled in some countries "as the economic and social pressures and fear have grown." Mon, 06 Apr 2020 08:36:00 GMT /2020-04-06/global-lockdowns-resulting-in-horrifying-surge-in-domestic-violence-u-n-warns Scott Neuman Lawmakers Hear Emotional Stories From 'Forgotten Crisis' Of Military Domestic Violence /2019-09-18/lawmakers-hear-emotional-stories-from-forgotten-crisis-of-military-domestic-violence Three women told a House Armed Services subcommittee that their complaints of physical abuse ultimately went ignored by commanding officers. Wed, 18 Sep 2019 23:09:31 GMT /2019-09-18/lawmakers-hear-emotional-stories-from-forgotten-crisis-of-military-domestic-violence Jessica Taylor Florida Deciding Whether To Prosecute Woman Who Turned In Estranged Husband's Guns /2019-06-25/florida-deciding-whether-to-prosecute-woman-who-turned-in-estranged-husbands-guns Her husband was jailed overnight after police said he rammed his vehicle into hers. She was jailed for six days after she allegedly broke into his home, took his guns and gave them to law enforcement. Tue, 25 Jun 2019 15:17:18 GMT /2019-06-25/florida-deciding-whether-to-prosecute-woman-who-turned-in-estranged-husbands-guns Sasha Ingber Domestic Violence’s Overlooked Damage: Concussion And Brain Injury /2018-06-01/domestic-violences-overlooked-damage-concussion-and-brain-injury Hundreds of survivors of domestic violence have come through the doors of neurologist Glynnis Zieman’s Phoenix clinic in the past three years. “The... Fri, 01 Jun 2018 12:16:48 GMT /2018-06-01/domestic-violences-overlooked-damage-concussion-and-brain-injury Will Stone