Council for Democratic Transition in Cuba /tags/council-for-democratic-transition-in-cuba Council for Democratic Transition in Cuba en-US WLRN Tue, 20 Jul 2021 21:40:20 GMT Biden Weighing Options On Cuba, Including Remittances, Amid Mass Regime Arrests Of Protesters /news/2021-07-20/biden-weighing-options-on-cuba-including-remittances-amid-mass-regime-arrests-of-protesters With more than 500 anti-government protesters believed locked up in Cuba, President Biden is looking to help families there without helping the regime. Tue, 20 Jul 2021 21:40:20 GMT /news/2021-07-20/biden-weighing-options-on-cuba-including-remittances-amid-mass-regime-arrests-of-protesters Tim Padgett Change In The Caribbean: A New PM In Haiti — And A New Protest Paradigm In Cuba? /news/2021-07-20/change-in-the-caribbean-a-new-pm-in-haiti-and-a-new-protest-paradigm-in-cuba Haiti's prime minister says he'll step down to make way for a new post-assassination government — and Cuban dissidents insist anti-regime protests are far from over. Tue, 20 Jul 2021 11:46:50 GMT /news/2021-07-20/change-in-the-caribbean-a-new-pm-in-haiti-and-a-new-protest-paradigm-in-cuba Tim Padgett, Luis Hernandez