cemeteries /tags/cemeteries cemeteries en-US WLRN Fri, 05 May 2023 11:30:00 GMT Florida Legislature approves bill to help restore historic Black cemeteries /florida-news/2023-05-05/florida-legislature-approves-bill-to-help-restore-historic-black-cemeteries House Bill 49 implements the recommendations of a task force approved by the Legislature two years ago to study the issue of abandoned African American cemeteries. Fri, 05 May 2023 11:30:00 GMT /florida-news/2023-05-05/florida-legislature-approves-bill-to-help-restore-historic-black-cemeteries Joe Byrnes Want a green burial in Florida? Here’s what you need to know. /environment/2023-04-20/want-a-green-burial-in-florida-heres-what-you-need-to-know Green burials do away with elaborate caskets, embalming fluids, concrete vaults and tombstones. The result is fewer carbon emissions than cremations and less impact on the climate. Thu, 20 Apr 2023 13:00:00 GMT /environment/2023-04-20/want-a-green-burial-in-florida-heres-what-you-need-to-know Nicolas Rivero Meet the farmers who founded Florida’s first green burial cemetery /environment/2023-04-19/meet-the-farmers-who-founded-floridas-first-green-burial-cemetery The Wilkerson brothers, the very first people to create a conservation cemetery in Florida, facilitate sustainable burials that help cut down on the carbon emissions that contribute to climate change. Wed, 19 Apr 2023 13:00:00 GMT /environment/2023-04-19/meet-the-farmers-who-founded-floridas-first-green-burial-cemetery Nicolas Rivero Historic white, Black cemeteries only blocks apart in Panama City tell very different stories /news/2022-06-12/historic-white-black-cemeteries-only-blocks-apart-in-panama-city-tell-very-different-stories The Balboa Cemetery or the Panama City Colored Cemetery, is one of many abandoned African American cemeteries that have recently been discovered throughout Florida. Sun, 12 Jun 2022 12:00:00 GMT /news/2022-06-12/historic-white-black-cemeteries-only-blocks-apart-in-panama-city-tell-very-different-stories Amy Galo - Fresh Take Florida Florida strives to uncover lost history, hidden away in forgotten graveyards /news/2022-05-16/florida-strives-to-uncover-lost-history-hidden-away-in-forgotten-graveyards Only a fraction of the state's cemeteries have been officially located and documented. Mon, 16 May 2022 10:59:17 GMT /news/2022-05-16/florida-strives-to-uncover-lost-history-hidden-away-in-forgotten-graveyards Tom Flanigan ‘Forgotten people’: Florida lawmakers aim to recognize, protect abandoned African American cemeteries /news/2022-03-02/forgotten-people-florida-lawmakers-aim-to-recognize-protect-abandoned-african-american-cemeteries In recent years, forgotten Black cemeteries have received more attention. The legislation under consideration would create an office within the Department of State that would focus on restoration, research and maintenance efforts for abandoned cemeteries. Wed, 02 Mar 2022 16:45:21 GMT /news/2022-03-02/forgotten-people-florida-lawmakers-aim-to-recognize-protect-abandoned-african-american-cemeteries Amy Galo - Fresh Take Florida Forgotten Black cemeteries, Miami Marlins, Miami-Dade Schools’ search for a new superintendent /2022-01-19/forgotten-black-cemeteries-miami-marlins-miami-dade-schools-search-for-a-new-superintendent Efforts to recover and preserve Black cemeteries. An update on the Miami Marlins. And Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ race to find a new leader. Wed, 19 Jan 2022 21:54:20 GMT /2022-01-19/forgotten-black-cemeteries-miami-marlins-miami-dade-schools-search-for-a-new-superintendent Leslie Ovalle Atkinson Key West Cemetery: Where Last Words Are Sometimes One-Liners /news/2016-12-30/key-west-cemetery-where-last-words-are-sometimes-one-liners This story originally aired July 19, 2016. When Patty Tiffany leads tours of the Key West Cemetery for the Historic Florida Keys Foundation, there's one… Fri, 30 Dec 2016 15:56:33 GMT /news/2016-12-30/key-west-cemetery-where-last-words-are-sometimes-one-liners Nancy Klingener