CDC /tags/cdc CDC en-US WLRN Tue, 21 Nov 2023 16:27:51 GMT The flu is soaring in seven U.S. states and rising in others, health officials say /health/2023-11-21/the-flu-is-soaring-in-seven-u-s-states-and-rising-in-others-health-officials-say U.S. health officials say Florida and at least six other states are seeing high levels of the flu and that cases are rising in other parts of the country. New flu data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows flu is steadily rising. Tue, 21 Nov 2023 16:27:51 GMT /health/2023-11-21/the-flu-is-soaring-in-seven-u-s-states-and-rising-in-others-health-officials-say The Associated Press CDC: More health workers face burnout, harassment /health/2023-10-25/cdc-health-workers-burnout-harassment In the CDC's Vital Signs report, the agency suggests more than double the number of health workers reported harassment at work in 2022 than in 2018, including threats, bullying and verbal abuse from patients and co-workers. Wed, 25 Oct 2023 18:07:19 GMT /health/2023-10-25/cdc-health-workers-burnout-harassment Verónica Zaragovia Is leprosy endemic in Central Florida? Experts argue yes /health/2023-08-23/is-leprosy-endemic-in-central-florida-experts-argue-yes Researchers are scratching their heads over the number of leprosy cases in Central Florida, leaving some to believe it may be endemic to the area. Wed, 23 Aug 2023 14:00:00 GMT /health/2023-08-23/is-leprosy-endemic-in-central-florida-experts-argue-yes Joe Mario Pedersen A recent increase in leprosy cases in Central Florida concerns the CDC /health/2023-08-01/a-recent-increase-in-leprosy-cases-in-central-florida-concerns-the-cdc From 2015 to 2020, about 20% of the reported U.S. cases were in Florida, and 81% of those cases were in Central Florida, according to a research letter by the CDC. Tue, 01 Aug 2023 19:30:00 GMT /health/2023-08-01/a-recent-increase-in-leprosy-cases-in-central-florida-concerns-the-cdc Rick Mayer Researchers hope a newly funded office will help the CDC have a rural focus /health/2023-04-25/researchers-hope-newly-funded-office-will-help-cdc-have-rural-focus Advocates for improving rural health pushed for the CDC to extend its rural health focus. They hope the Office of Rural Health will commit to research and analyses. Tue, 25 Apr 2023 17:00:00 GMT /health/2023-04-25/researchers-hope-newly-funded-office-will-help-cdc-have-rural-focus Christina Saint Louis Hispanic dialysis patients are more at risk for staph infections, the CDC says /health/2023-02-07/hispanic-dialysis-patients-are-more-at-risk-for-staph-infections-the-cdc-says Hispanic patients had a 40% higher risk of staph than white patients, a study found, and black patients are more at risk as well. The report outlines steps doctors can take to keep patients safer. Tue, 07 Feb 2023 21:00:00 GMT /health/2023-02-07/hispanic-dialysis-patients-are-more-at-risk-for-staph-infections-the-cdc-says Rachel Treisman American life expectancy is now at its lowest in nearly two decades /news/2022-12-22/american-life-expectancy-is-now-at-its-lowest-in-nearly-two-decades A new report shows the pandemic and the overdose crisis helped push down the average life expectancy in the U.S. for a second year in a row. Thu, 22 Dec 2022 05:32:00 GMT /news/2022-12-22/american-life-expectancy-is-now-at-its-lowest-in-nearly-two-decades Yuki Noguchi The CDC has expanded a BMI tool to better track severe obesity in kids /health/2022-12-16/the-cdc-has-expanded-a-bmi-tool-to-better-track-severe-obesity-in-kids Expanded growth charts now include a body mass index of 60 — up from previous charts that stopped at 37. Officials also expanded measures to map severe obesity, which affects an estimated 4.5 million children and teens in the U.S. Fri, 16 Dec 2022 19:00:00 GMT /health/2022-12-16/the-cdc-has-expanded-a-bmi-tool-to-better-track-severe-obesity-in-kids Associated Press CDC issues new opioid prescribing guidance, giving doctors more leeway to treat pain /health/2022-11-03/cdc-issues-new-opioid-prescribing-guidance-giving-doctors-more-leeway-to-treat-pain The updated recommendations seek to course correct after guidelines from 2016 were criticized for harshly limiting access to needed pain medication. Fri, 04 Nov 2022 14:00:00 GMT /health/2022-11-03/cdc-issues-new-opioid-prescribing-guidance-giving-doctors-more-leeway-to-treat-pain Will Stone, Pien Huang States, not the CDC, set requirements for school vaccines /health/2022-10-24/states-not-the-cdc-set-requirements-for-school-vaccines A CDC committee voted that the agency should update its recommended immunization schedules to add the COVID vaccine, including to the schedule for children. However, that doesn't mandate the vaccine for schoolchildren. Mon, 24 Oct 2022 17:00:00 GMT /health/2022-10-24/states-not-the-cdc-set-requirements-for-school-vaccines Associated Press