birth /tags/birth birth en-US WLRN Tue, 12 Jul 2022 09:00:11 GMT Why this key chance to getting permanent birth control is often missed /news/npr-breaking-news/2022-07-12/why-this-key-chance-to-getting-permanent-birth-control-is-often-missed Doctors say they're seeing a surge in the number of women who want their "tubes tied." But hospital capacity, paperwork, religion and personal opinion are just some of the reasons requests get denied. Tue, 12 Jul 2022 09:00:11 GMT /news/npr-breaking-news/2022-07-12/why-this-key-chance-to-getting-permanent-birth-control-is-often-missed Nell Greenfieldboyce Appeals court gives the go-ahead on lawsuit involving Florida's neurological injury program /news/2022-04-29/appeals-court-gives-the-go-ahead-on-lawsuit-involving-floridas-neurological-injury-program A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected arguments that the Neurological Injury Compensation Association should be shielded from the whistleblower lawsuit. Fri, 29 Apr 2022 15:57:53 GMT /news/2022-04-29/appeals-court-gives-the-go-ahead-on-lawsuit-involving-floridas-neurological-injury-program Jim Saunders - News Service of Florida The COVID-19 vaccine shows no link to pre-term births, a new CDC study concludes /2022-01-05/the-covid-19-vaccine-shows-no-link-to-pre-term-births-a-new-cdc-study-concludes The study of more than 40,000 pregnancies found that vaccination status had practically no impact on whether a child was born prematurely or smaller or less developed than expected. Wed, 05 Jan 2022 21:49:06 GMT /2022-01-05/the-covid-19-vaccine-shows-no-link-to-pre-term-births-a-new-cdc-study-concludes Tien Le Trump Administration Targets 'Birth Tourism' With New Visa Rule /2020-01-23/trump-administration-targets-birth-tourism-with-new-visa-rule Saying "birth tourism poses risks to national security," the State Department tells consular officials to deny a visa if they believe a potential visitor has the "primary purpose" of giving birth. Thu, 23 Jan 2020 19:50:58 GMT /2020-01-23/trump-administration-targets-birth-tourism-with-new-visa-rule Bill Chappell Her Own Birth Was 'Fertility Fraud' And Now She Needs Fertility Treatment /2020-01-20/her-own-birth-was-fertility-fraud-and-now-she-needs-fertility-treatment Years ago, doctors sometimes lied about whose sperm they used for artificial inseminations. Could it happen now? Some argue regulation is weak in the multibillion dollar fertility treatment industry. Mon, 20 Jan 2020 10:02:00 GMT /2020-01-20/her-own-birth-was-fertility-fraud-and-now-she-needs-fertility-treatment Lauren Bavis, Jake Harper For HIV-Positive Babies, New Evidence Favors Starting Drug Treatment Just After Birth /2019-12-04/for-hiv-positive-babies-new-evidence-favors-starting-drug-treatment-just-after-birth Doctors used to worry that antiretroviral drugs were too powerful for HIV-positive newborns. More evidence is emerging that, in fact, early treatment can be safe and effective. Wed, 04 Dec 2019 10:23:00 GMT /2019-12-04/for-hiv-positive-babies-new-evidence-favors-starting-drug-treatment-just-after-birth Pien Huang Controversy Kicks Up Over A Drug Meant To Prevent Premature Birth /2019-11-04/controversy-kicks-up-over-a-drug-meant-to-prevent-premature-birth An expert panel wants the Food And Drug Administration to withdraw its approval for Makena, because a large study shows the drug doesn't work. But some doctors say the evidence isn't clear-cut. Mon, 04 Nov 2019 23:23:00 GMT /2019-11-04/controversy-kicks-up-over-a-drug-meant-to-prevent-premature-birth Patti Neighmond Premature Birth Rates In Florida Increase Again /2019-11-04/premature-birth-rates-in-florida-increase-again The March of Dimes has awarded Florida a C- ranking when it comes its rate of premature births, a ranking only slightly worse than the national average. Mon, 04 Nov 2019 20:36:26 GMT /2019-11-04/premature-birth-rates-in-florida-increase-again Daylina Miller, Daylina Miller House Panel Backs Plan For New Birth Options /2018-01-17/house-panel-backs-plan-for-new-birth-options Women with low-risk pregnancies would not have to deliver at hospitals to get epidurals or to have cesarean sections, under legislation overwhelmingly... Wed, 17 Jan 2018 13:05:11 GMT /2018-01-17/house-panel-backs-plan-for-new-birth-options The News Service of Florida How Racism May Cause Black Mothers To Suffer The Death Of Their Infants /2017-12-20/how-racism-may-cause-black-mothers-to-suffer-the-death-of-their-infants African-American women are more likely to lose a baby in the first year of life than women of any other race. Scientists think that stress from racism makes their bodies and babies more vulnerable. Wed, 20 Dec 2017 10:01:00 GMT /2017-12-20/how-racism-may-cause-black-mothers-to-suffer-the-death-of-their-infants Rebecca Davis, Rhitu Chatterjee