Bendixen & Amandi International /tags/bendixen-amandi-international Bendixen & Amandi International en-US WLRN Thu, 18 Mar 2021 13:38:17 GMT Cuban Voters – And Congress Members – Want It Both Ways On Cuba And Immigration /commentary/2021-03-18/cuban-voters-and-congress-members-want-it-both-ways-on-cuba-and-immigration COMMENTARY A poll finds Florida's Cuban electorate wants its immigration benefits revived – but not the U.S. engagement in Cuba that it requires. Thu, 18 Mar 2021 13:38:17 GMT /commentary/2021-03-18/cuban-voters-and-congress-members-want-it-both-ways-on-cuba-and-immigration Tim Padgett Poll: Months After Trump's Loss, Florida's Cubans As 'Trumpista' As Ever /news/2021-03-16/poll-months-after-trumps-loss-floridas-cubans-as-trumpista-as-ever A new survey shows Cuban-American enthusiasm for Trump and his hardline Cuba policies remains fervent — and that poses a Florida conundrum for President Biden. Tue, 16 Mar 2021 21:49:46 GMT /news/2021-03-16/poll-months-after-trumps-loss-floridas-cubans-as-trumpista-as-ever Tim Padgett Poll: Biden May Not Be Winning Miami-Dade Big Enough To Take Florida – Especially Among Latinos /2020-09-08/poll-biden-may-not-be-winning-miami-dade-big-enough-to-take-florida-especially-among-latinos Biden's lead over Trump in Miami-Dade is barely half of Clinton's eventual margin in 2016 – and Trump's ahead of him with the county's Latino voters. Tue, 08 Sep 2020 21:53:32 GMT /2020-09-08/poll-biden-may-not-be-winning-miami-dade-big-enough-to-take-florida-especially-among-latinos Tim Padgett