avocado trees /tags/avocado-trees avocado trees en-US WLRN Mon, 17 Apr 2017 00:05:00 GMT Study: More Beetles Can Carry Disease That Kills Avocado Trees /health-news-florida/2017-04-16/study-more-beetles-can-carry-disease-that-kills-avocado-trees Mon, 17 Apr 2017 00:05:00 GMT /health-news-florida/2017-04-16/study-more-beetles-can-carry-disease-that-kills-avocado-trees The Associated Press Your Guac Could Be In Danger: A Pesky Bug Is Killing Avocado Trees In Florida /2016-08-03/your-guac-could-be-in-danger-a-pesky-bug-is-killing-avocado-trees-in-florida It's like a scene from a movie. On one side there are bare and dead avocado trees. On the other, there are freshly planted and seemingly healthy avocado… Wed, 03 Aug 2016 21:16:01 GMT /2016-08-03/your-guac-could-be-in-danger-a-pesky-bug-is-killing-avocado-trees-in-florida Amanda Rabines