AP classes /tags/ap-classes AP classes en-US WLRN Fri, 25 Aug 2023 19:18:26 GMT Florida might allow students to use classics test for college admissions /education/2023-08-25/florida-classics-test-college-admissions The Classic Learning Test could be used as a college admissions exam for Florida universities, along with more commonly known tests like the SAT and ACT. Fri, 25 Aug 2023 19:18:26 GMT /education/2023-08-25/florida-classics-test-college-admissions Danielle Prieur Florida says AP class teaches critical race theory. Here's what's really in the course /education/2023-01-22/florida-says-ap-class-teaches-critical-race-theory-heres-whats-really-in-the-course Florida rejected an Advancement Placement course on African American studies, saying it's "filled with" critical race theory. But scholars who helped create the course say it's not in lesson plans. Mon, 23 Jan 2023 13:00:00 GMT /education/2023-01-22/florida-says-ap-class-teaches-critical-race-theory-heres-whats-really-in-the-course Juliana Kim AP Exams Are Still On Amid Coronavirus, Raising Questions About Fairness /2020-04-27/ap-exams-are-still-on-amid-coronavirus-raising-questions-about-fairness Most standardized tests, like the SAT and ACT, are on hold this spring. But Advanced Placement exams are going forward with a new online format. Mon, 27 Apr 2020 11:00:00 GMT /2020-04-27/ap-exams-are-still-on-amid-coronavirus-raising-questions-about-fairness Carrie Jung Digesting The Presidential Debates...In AP Government Class /education/2016-03-11/digesting-the-presidential-debates-in-ap-government-class In the past, teacher Kevin Mullin always told students that a strong ground game wins elections. Enter Donald Trump, Mullin says, “And we’ve been talking… Sat, 12 Mar 2016 00:01:24 GMT /education/2016-03-11/digesting-the-presidential-debates-in-ap-government-class rowan moore gerety