American /tags/american American en-US WLRN Tue, 19 Jul 2022 15:10:52 GMT Biden issues a new executive order relating to hostages and detained Americans /news/2022-07-19/biden-issues-a-new-executive-order-relating-to-hostages-and-detained-americans President Biden has issued an executive order to try to improve efforts to free American hostages and detainees, senior administration officials told reporters. Tue, 19 Jul 2022 15:10:52 GMT /news/2022-07-19/biden-issues-a-new-executive-order-relating-to-hostages-and-detained-americans Washington Desk Celebrated American artist Helen Frankenthaler is focus of exhibit at USF Contemporary Art Museum /news/2022-07-12/celebrated-american-artist-helen-frankenthaler-is-focus-of-exhibit-at-usf-contemporary-art-museum As early as 1959, Frankenthaler became a regular presence in major international exhibitions. She won first prize at the Premiere Biennale de Paris that year, and had her first major museum exhibition in 1960. Tue, 12 Jul 2022 15:29:50 GMT /news/2022-07-12/celebrated-american-artist-helen-frankenthaler-is-focus-of-exhibit-at-usf-contemporary-art-museum Cathy Carter There are 2 types of immigrants: those who look back, and those who don't. I'm both /news/2022-05-30/there-are-2-types-of-immigrants-those-who-look-back-and-those-who-dont-im-both My story is unique in some ways, but also similar to that of many immigrants. And it brings up certain questions; like, what are the emotional consequences of emigrating to a different country? Mon, 30 May 2022 14:30:01 GMT /news/2022-05-30/there-are-2-types-of-immigrants-those-who-look-back-and-those-who-dont-im-both Miguel Macias The bat mitzvah turns 100. It marks more than a coming-of-age for Jewish girls /news/npr-breaking-news/2022-03-17/the-bat-mitzvah-turns-100-it-marks-more-than-a-coming-of-age-for-jewish-girls Since girls in the U.S. began having the public ceremony 100 years ago, more and more women have taken on a larger role in Jewish life, including becoming rabbis. Thu, 17 Mar 2022 14:09:32 GMT /news/npr-breaking-news/2022-03-17/the-bat-mitzvah-turns-100-it-marks-more-than-a-coming-of-age-for-jewish-girls Deena Prichep A Tampa-based organization is planning to help American citizens escape from Ukraine /news/2022-02-24/a-tampa-based-organization-is-planning-to-help-american-citizens-escape-from-ukraine As tensions mount following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Project Dynamo is on the ground, planning American rescue operations. Thu, 24 Feb 2022 15:27:41 GMT /news/2022-02-24/a-tampa-based-organization-is-planning-to-help-american-citizens-escape-from-ukraine Violet Comber-Wilen A Kansas woman has been arrested for allegedly leading an all-female ISIS battalion /news/2022-01-31/a-kansas-woman-has-been-arrested-for-allegedly-leading-an-all-female-isis-battalion Federal prosecutors say that Allison Fluke-Ekren, 42, wanted to recruit operatives to attack a college campus in the U.S. and discussed a terrorist attack on a shopping mall. Mon, 31 Jan 2022 16:42:50 GMT /news/2022-01-31/a-kansas-woman-has-been-arrested-for-allegedly-leading-an-all-female-isis-battalion The Associated Press 1 in 4 Americans say violence against the government is sometimes OK /2022-01-31/1-in-4-americans-say-violence-against-the-government-is-sometimes-ok In a new survey, both liberals and conservatives agreed violent protests are sometimes justifiable. Republicans were twice as likely as Democrats to say violence is justified "right now." Mon, 31 Jan 2022 15:27:28 GMT /2022-01-31/1-in-4-americans-say-violence-against-the-government-is-sometimes-ok Matthew S. Schwartz South Florida Marks Memorial Day By Honoring Fallen Heroes /news/2017-05-29/south-florida-marks-memorial-day-by-honoring-fallen-heroes Not all South Florida residents spent Memorial Day lounging by the pool or the beach. For many, this was a day of remembrance, dedicated to brave soldiers… Tue, 30 May 2017 02:30:27 GMT /news/2017-05-29/south-florida-marks-memorial-day-by-honoring-fallen-heroes Isabella Cueto Why Read Moby Dick? /show/topical-currents/2013-10-10/why-read-moby-dick 10/10/13 - Thursday's Topical Currents begins with a discussion of what may be the greatest American novel: Herman Melville’s Moby Dick. The novel’s… Thu, 10 Oct 2013 17:00:00 GMT /show/topical-currents/2013-10-10/why-read-moby-dick Joseph Cooper Lost On The 4th? A Roundup of Displays In South Florida /news/2013-07-04/lost-on-the-4th-a-roundup-of-displays-in-south-florida The midsummer heat and humidity in South Florida means celebrating Independence Day is not for the faint of heart. But, the sweat and dehydration is all… Thu, 04 Jul 2013 12:00:00 GMT /news/2013-07-04/lost-on-the-4th-a-roundup-of-displays-in-south-florida