Amazon fires /tags/amazon-fires Amazon fires en-US WLRN Mon, 18 Nov 2019 19:03:36 GMT Amazon Rainforest Sees Biggest Spike In Deforestation In Over A Decade /2019-11-18/amazon-rainforest-sees-biggest-spike-in-deforestation-in-over-a-decade Not since 2008 has the Amazon been destroyed at a faster rate, according to Brazilian authorities. They say an area more than 12 times the size of New York City was deforested in the span of a year. Mon, 18 Nov 2019 19:03:36 GMT /2019-11-18/amazon-rainforest-sees-biggest-spike-in-deforestation-in-over-a-decade Colin Dwyer Bolivia Is Fighting Major Forest Fires Nearly As Large As In Brazil /2019-09-18/bolivia-is-fighting-major-forest-fires-nearly-as-large-as-in-brazil Firefighters, troops and volunteers have been working for the past two months to put out some of the worst blazes in the country's recent history. Wed, 18 Sep 2019 14:04:00 GMT /2019-09-18/bolivia-is-fighting-major-forest-fires-nearly-as-large-as-in-brazil John Otis Amazon Rainforest No Longer Just A Cause For Rock Stars. Climate Change Made It Local /show/latin-america-report/2019-09-16/amazon-rainforest-no-longer-just-a-cause-for-rock-stars-climate-change-made-it-local By Tim PadgettLast week Brazilian soldiers were working to put out this year’s record number of fires in the Amazon rainforest. The irony is that they… Mon, 16 Sep 2019 22:01:00 GMT /show/latin-america-report/2019-09-16/amazon-rainforest-no-longer-just-a-cause-for-rock-stars-climate-change-made-it-local Tim Padgett